
A sheet product (or service), formerly Product review is a written presentation reports on the characteristics and / or application of the product (or service), concise format, with specific facts and incidents of the product concerned. The concept product is used in a broad sense, and includes also the Service and application .

The product datasheets are published in different virtual exhibitions of, in newsletters, in mobile applications and eventually in the print editions of the magazine Interempresas, with the same content [although the web version may have more content than print versions] and formal differences only.


The purpose of this rule is to mark editorial style guidelines and directions on how to and how not to write a product tab.

Style rules


The tabs are Interempresas product information . They are not advertising, try to be as objective as possible and therefore not a section Your mind.

Its purpose is to describe a product (or service), their applications, their essential characteristics and elements that differentiate it of the rest .

Each sheet must be classified under a single heading. If it were the case of a product to several sections or the sum of two products for the same tab, choose the main title for the function required.

The title

  • You have to explain what the product, service or machine with an adjective or characteristic that makes a difference.
  • Length must be proportional to that of text.  In the case of printed magazine, must occupy a single line.
  • No colon must follow the title.
  • The title of a tab can not include or brands or models, or distributors but it can reference standards (ATEX, ISO, DIN, etc..).
  • The title should not begin with an article
  • Do not use expressions like Rang , Solution, Machine, But to define the name of the product.
  • Avoid expressions like Contro and measurement of and use driver and meter , directing our language to the product name and not its implementation.

The subtitle

  • It is not a continuation of the title.
  • Must be a full meaningful sentence (but subject and verb may be implicit) and more information about the product or any of its applications (most important, for example).
  • Capitalized start and end without point.
  • Like the title, subtitle length should be proportional to the length of the text. Avoid excessively short captions.
  • Neither title nor subtitle can not include or brands or models, or distributors but it can reference standards (ATEX, ISO, DIN, etc..)
  • In the web presentation, it is possible that the subtitle appears behind the title and separated by:
  • The title does not have a limit on the length, which by no means should we use the subtitle to make a final title phrase. The subtitle should be additional information.


NO yes
“Automatic sleeve wrappe / Shrink Automatic sleeve wrapper? / For applications doors and furniture
Regulation system / Automatic Regulation system / Controls wood drying processes
Finishing discs / Sheet Sheet finishing discs / In formats between 115 and 178 grains of 36-40
Finishing discs / Quiet on the market Sheet finishing discs / Serve to xxxx


The relatively short titles captioned longer are effective because they give more information. The fact that the application appears in the subtitle is an added extra, because there are products that can be used for many things, but are especially good for a certain application.

For product sheets posted on the website, the title + subtitle combination is key to allowing information to be easily found by search engines.

In summary, title + subtitle + photograph should give enough information to cause tab reading, when someone leafs magazine or browsing by anywhere.

The text

  • It should describe the characteristics of the product / service and / or their possible applications.
  • Between the first and second paragraph should introduce the main ideas, including what is in the title and subtitle but expanded. In the text you can refer to the company that makes or distributes the product.
  • From the second paragraph should include other ideas (more to less) machine, product or service, up to the optional features offered.
  • The figures relating to the weight, size, length, etc.., Should be included in the tab (or not) depending on the importance of the machine: it is perhaps important that measurement is small, or has small turning radius, etc. Where to put it depends on the valuation of the editor.
  • Generally the chips should be timeless , but if it is essential or important to refer to market introduction or presentation, you need to be very defined: Submitted / a Biemh in 2010, introduced at the show Smopyc 2011, etc.
  • Within the text must not include, as a rule, or information from the distributor or manufacturer (year of establishment, location, etc..).

    Style rules:

    • No use can be avoided whenever lists, lists of points or dashes (for this example). Attempt a description, not an enumeration of features.
    • Avoid unprovable assertions (typically in the mouth of the manufacturers or distributors) as? Xxx product is the best ...? or other similar forms, also to avoid the appearance of pure advertising.
    • Never write in the first person singular or plural and. Nor should include statements.
    • Try to make short sentences with an idea or two at most. Avoid passive constructions.
    • Accentuate the letter or when going between numbers to avoid confusion with the 0 (240 or 332)
    • Following the colon (:) keep writing in lowercase.
    • Do not include symbols or registered ® or copyrighted © . (Interempresas recognized owners of all makes and brands appearing? Thousands?? Into the website, including the symbol each time would be tiresome).
    • Pay special attention when importing mathematical symbols and nonstandard symbols. Check that appear correctly in the models and / or internet.
    • The etc. Always go with a single point.
    • The company's name has only capitalize the first letter of each word (excluding articles and prepositions), NEVER IN ALL CAPS. The same goes for brands.
    • After the name of the company is not going any comma (,) unless a subordinate clause is included.
    • Physical drives that do not refer to any person are lowercase (m, l, bar, with some exceptions HP, hp power unit). Those referring to last names begin with a capital N, W, Hz, A, V, Pa. standard abbreviations used in the international system of units, as required by Spanish law (Real Decreto 1317/1989)
    • Run away from terms like System, Technology.
    • Time units are “h” (hours), “min” (minutes), “s” (seconds). Do not use the nomenclature 12’15”, but 12 min 15 s.
    • Tonne is abbreviated “t”. [The abbreviations“Tm”, “tm”, “ton”, “tonm” or similar are not correct.]
    • The unit of measurement micrometer” (=millionth of a milimeter), is abbreviated µm. In a text, it can be alluded to by means of the term micrón (which is a synonymous with micrometer). The term micrón” is a poor English trastaltion.
    • The prefix Micro can also be written as u .
    • The prefix Kilo (uppercase) is used in computer with a different meaning of the prefix Kilo (lowercase). K is supposed to mean 1,024 instead of 1,000.
    • The most common prefixes physical drives are:
    • The most common prefixes physical drives are:
      Factor Prefix Symbol
      1012 tera T
      109 giga G
      106 mega M
      103 kilo k
      102 hecto h
      101 deca da
      Factor Prefix Symbol
      10-1 deci d
      10-2 centi c
      10-3 mili m
      10-6 micro µ
      10-9 nano n
      10-12 pico p
  •  The length of the text of the cards, they should appear when printed is:
    • Up to 1,000 characters = ¼ page
    • Up to 2,000 characters = ½ page
    • As of 3000 characters (or 2500 if there several good photos) = 1 página.Los most common prefixes physical drives are:

The pictures

  • Tokens of product / service are published on the website with a photograph.In the future, it is likely that this limit be extended.
  • In the photos has to contain the product, or the product and its application.For services or "intangible products " can be used illustrative images, charts or diagrams.
  • If the photos contain watermarks or logos, must be small and discreet.
  • The pictures you see on the web have a maximum size of 400 x 500 pixels. In the case of printed editions, photographs are required with a reference size of 10 x 6 cm, with a minimum resolution of 100 pixels / cm (ie about 1000 x 600 pixels: 1.6 Mpix). For short chips, you can support smaller photos.
  • The product cards printed in the journal Interempresas should always have at least one photograph of sufficient quality to be printed. If no picture, can not be published.
  • Each sheet must have a different photo.Do not use the same photo for two product sheets.If it were the case that the same photograph appears in two tabs, you must modify the original sign product, expanding the description with the new content. If the picture was to be used in two reviews because both belong to the same range of machines, the tab should discuss the full range

Version: 2.4 - 2012 10 02