Interempresas Media, founded in 1992, is a leading Spanish-language trade media group. It currently publishes magazines for more than 80 sectors in the main areas of the productive economy and distribution. The magazines are distributed in paper format by mail and digitally via web/mail. All magazines offer the latest industry updates, technical articles, trend analysis and expert opinion, making them an essential reference for professionals and companies. The sectors covered include the metal industry, plastics, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, technology, architecture, construction, energy, environment, logistics, transport, agriculture, livestock, food and retail. Every publication is designed to meet the specific informational needs of its sector, connecting supply and demand, promoting knowledge transfer, and generating business opportunities.
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Metalmecánica magazine contains articles, both technical and related to the industry, market data and reports related to machining, sheet and tube deformation or subcontracting of auxiliary services. It is a publication focused very directly on the technologies and innovations that are constantly being developed in this market, with information on trade fairs and related events. Its potential readership includes mechanical lathe and milling jobshops, general metal working, decolletage companies, boilermakers, manufacturers of moulds and dies, metal structures and components or manufacturers of machinery and tools, among other.
Interempresas Equipos y Tecnología para la Agricultura collects on paper and online a wide range of content about the latest launches in agricultural machinery, in-depth reports on the situation of the sector and interviews with the heads of the main machinery companies and agricultural organizations in the country. The publication pays special attention to all the novelties presented at the main national and international fairs and shows related to agricultural activity. The magazine is mainly targeted to farmers and agricultural farms (cerealists, vegetable and fruit growers, etc.); agricultural and fruit cooperatives; repair workshops for tractors and agricultural and forestry machinery; dealers and distributors of agricultural and forestry machinery; distributors of seeds, fitosanitary products and fertilizers and agricultural supplies; and agricultural federations, associations and organizations.
NOVOPERFIL is a Spanish technical magazine with a highly professional content focused entirely on the world of glazed enclosures. It is the most appropriate media to have information on new designs, technologies and regulations, the most unique buildings, Spanish and international exhibitions, all with the clear aim to contribute to increasing the quality level of windows, doors and glazed enclosures. It is the official spokesperson for ASEFAVE, the Spanish association of manufacturers of light façades and windows.
NOVOPERFIL edits eleven issues a year.
The printed magazine is divided into several sections designed to make reading easier while maintaining a high technical component. The contents of NOVOPERFIL focus on all technologies related to the manufacture and design of all types of profiles for windows (aluminum, PVC, wood, steel...), as well as hardware, closing elements, seals and joints, glass and its complements, blinds and all solar control elements such as awnings, blinds, roofs, etc., with their respective automation and the automatic doors sector. All this with different aesthetic formats and addressing different themes, either through reports, technical articles, interviews with the main agents in the sector and detailed news about the equipment and products available on the market.
The usual reader of NOVOPERFIL can be found in the manufacturers and installers of windows, blinds, doors, glass, roofs and other solar control and management elements. NOVOPERFIL ‘s contents are also directed to architectural offices, engineering companies, professional associations, universities and official entities.
Leading technical magazine in the sector of energy efficiency in air conditioning, refrigeration, water and energy, with eleven editions a year that have been published uninterrupted throughout its more than fifty years of history. As an emblematic magazine, it deals with the main issues of the sector through technical articles, success stories, reports and interviews. In addition, it covers punctually the news of the world of facilities and efficiency by attending the most relevant events, fairs and congresses. Finally, in its 'Showcase' the reader can also know the latest news and trends in the world of air conditioning, refrigeration, water and energy efficiency.
Tierras Agricultura is a professional magazine, which is addressed to farmers, technicians, researchers, cooperatives, administrations, service companies and other groups in the agricultural world, to help them to know the most interesting specialized information and to contribute to extend their training.
The readers are mainly direct agricultural professionals, who seek in their news, reports and monographs an orientation that allows them to improve the results of their work, knowing at all times the most efficient products and the technologies best adapted to each crop in their specific circumstances, and having the necessary information to plan their market strategies appropriately.
Tierras is one of the most prestigious publications in the agricultural sector, and has become a reference and consultation publication for many professionals in extensive agriculture in Spain. Its contents cover all aspects (mechanization, management, supplies, legislation, innovation and application of new technologies...) related to continental-type arable crops: cereals, rapeseed, fodder, sunflower, outdoor vegetables, legumes, corn, potatoes, beets, vineyards, olive groves..., in which it is undoubtedly the most widely read and influential publication at the national level.
Plásticos Universales is the oldest magazine of the Spanish industry, present in the hispanic market since 1951 and acquired by the Nova Àgora Group in 2001. Since then it has been increasing its leadership in the plastics sector, in which it is today the main informative reference. Its paper editions are also distributed in digital format.
iFOOD&DRINKS is a magazine that gathers the most relevant information on trends, machinery and regulations in the food and beverage industry. Through in-depth reports and interviews, the magazine presents the latest developments in the production of industries such as bakery and pastry, frozen food, dairy, fruit and vegetables, beverages, ready-to-eat meals or dry food, among many others. The publication also pays special attention to all the latest news presented at the main national and international trade fairs and events related to the food business. The magazine is targeted mainly at manufacturers of food products of all kinds, as well as distributors and the retail channel.
The magazine Automatización para la Industria 4.0 (Automation for Industry 4.0) offers all the latest news related to automation, robotics, electronics, industrial computing, mechanical, pneumatic and hydraulic solutions, instrumentation, motion control, detection, communications...
Technical articles, company reports, trend reports, product news, events and the current information of the sector are grouped in it.
The publication is aimed at integrators of industrial automation systems; engineering companies; industrial equipment designers; machinery manufacturers and repair workshops; pneumatic, hydraulic, electronic, mechanical components, control, regulation and measurement systems distributors and manufacturers, and maintenance companies and industrial installations; big companies and OEMs.
Interempresas Obras Públicas is a magazine with a long history in the construction, public works and mining sectors. In each of its issues it includes information on the latest developments launched on the machinery market. For several years, it has also included in its interior a section of technical sheets prepared by the Anmopyc association and a specialized dossier on lifting equipment (cranes, platforms, forklifts, telescopic handlers, etc.). As of 2023, with the purchase of the TPI Group magazines, it also incorporates the AllRental section in its pages to report on all the news in the rental sector.
The magazine is aimed primarily at manufacturers, distributors, renters, users and maintainers of machinery.
Potencia is the oldest professional magazine in the machinery, public works and infrastructure sector, with 60 years of history in the publishing world. With its incorporation into Interempresas Media at the end of 2022, this already prestigious publication sees its human and technical resources strengthened to cover in depth the latest news in the sector in various formats: interviews, market studies, technical articles, company reports, trend reports, product news, events, etc.
With eleven annual editions, the publication Potencia is aimed, above all, at contractors and subcontractors in the construction industry, machinery manufacturers and distributors, fleet owners, Public Administrations, engineering firms, consultancies, repair shops, associations, universities and technical schools.
Canteras y Expotaciones is a publication specializing in machinery and services for the extractive sector, mainly surface mining operations and quarries, with more than 650 issues launched on the market.
As an emblematic magazine, throughout its six annual editions, it addresses the main topics of the sector through technical articles, success stories, reports and interviews. In addition, it punctually covers the latest news in this industry by attending the most relevant events, fairs and congresses.
The magazine is aimed at all professionals related to the extraction, transport and treatment of minerals, auxiliary companies, manufacturers of machinery and implements, service companies, engineering and institutions.
Ingeopres is a technical magazine about methodologies and technologies in engineering and civil works, hydraulic, urban, mining, geology, energy and environment. Our publication is distributed by subscription and free, on a rotating and oriented way, to our extensive database.
Logística Integrada is a publication with a technical/professional nature for the entire transport and logistics sector. Readers will find all the information on the sector, trends in multimodal transport, logistics operators and distribution, as well as the latest in parcels and e-commerce. The publication is aimed at companies using parcel services and logistics. Directors or logistics managers in industry and distribution, shippers, forwarders, procurement managers, purchasing managers, logistics operators, shipping companies and ports.
Manutención & Almacenaje is a technical / professional publication for specialists in logistics and maintenance. Readers will find information related to the handling of products and their storage. Also related to new technologies applied to the world of the supply chain, coding and identification solutions, labeling, packaging and the latest operations in the immologistic market, among others. It is addressed to operations, logistics or production managers, purchasing managers and warehouse managers.
InterCamión is a publication for the road transport professionals, whose objective is to keep the sector informed of the latest innovations and trends in the truck market. The publication is aimed at traffic managers, technicians or purchasing managers in road haulage, parcels and express transport. It is also aimed at body manufacturers, spare parts and mechanics companies, as well as workshops and truck and van dealers.
Estaciones de Servicio is the leading magazine in the fuels retail distribution sector. It is divided into five thematic areas: Fuel, Sector, Car Wash, Minimarket and Security.
It is aimed at owners and managers of service stations; owners of car wash areas; general and commercial directors of supplier companies; managers of fuels operators; representatives of professional associations and the Administration.
With more than a quarter of a century of life, the publication has managed to adapt to the new times of business communication by offering rigorous information in various channels (offline, online and social networks) without renouncing its prestige and influence.
Interempresas Química is a magazine with a long trajectory in the Chemical industry sector. Among many other contents, it includes interviews with the most relevant professionals of this industry, market studies, technical articles, reports, news and information on the latest technological innovations appearing in the market. The magazine is mainly aimed at manufacturers and distributors of chemical products, professionals in the petrochemical industry, manufacturers and distributors of process machinery and capital goods, engineering, analysis and quality control laboratories and research departments of technology centres and universities.
Interempresas Industria Gráfica is a magazine with a long trajectory in the printing industry, covering traditional printing techniques and the most modern techniques related to digital technology. It includes interviews with the most relevant professionals of this industry, market studies, technical articles, reports, brief news and on the latest market technological innovations information. The magazine is mainly aimed at digital printing centres, binders and manipulators, copy shops and reprographics centres, paper and cardboard packaging manufacturers, paper manufacturers and distributors, screen printing workshops, sign makers and graphic arts design companies.
PUERICULTURA Market is the only specialized media for the childcare industry in Spain.
Since 1992, it has been the leading industry media for professionals to keep abreast of all the latest trends, developments and innovations related to the childcare industry.
The audience is made up of specialized childcare retailers, manufacturers and other industry professionals: trade fairs, superstores, childcare-toy retailers, childcare-furniture retailers, childcare-clothing retailers, associations, representatives, franchises, e-commerce, etc.
The magazine transfer knowledge through analytical articles, information on trends, reports from national and international trade fairs, news items, special reports by product category or interviews with leading industry professionals.
We publish the PUERICULTURA Market journal every two months and keep in constant contact with the industry thanks to the website, digital editions, the weekly e-newsletter and social media.
JUGUETES b2b is the only specialized media for the toy & game industry in Spain.
Since 1962, it has been the leading industry media for professionals to keep abreast of all the latest trends, developments and innovations related to the toy & game industry.
The audience is made up of toys & game retailers, manufacturers, brand distributors and importers and other industry professionals: trade fairs, sales agents, licensing agents, associations, purchasing groups, franchises, hypermarkets, e-commerce, wholesalers, etc.
The magazine transfer knowledge through analytical articles, information on trends, reports from international trade fairs, news items, special reports by product category or interviews with leading industry professionals.
LICENCIAS Actualidad is the only specialized magazine for the licensing business in Spain.
Since 1998, it has been the leading industry media for professionals to keep abreast of the latest trends, developments and innovations related to the licensing industry.
The audience is made up of retailers (offline and online outlets of toys, stationery, gifts, licenses), wholesalers, hypermarkets, retailer groups, manufacturers/licensees (toy & game, stationery, gift, publishing, party goods, home textile, textile and fashion, confectionery, perfumery, cosmetics, sports and promotions industries), licensors and licensing agents.
The magazine transfer knowledge through special editorials by product and licensing category, interviews, market research surveys and management articles.
The aim of the magazine Interempresas Tecno Carne is to encourage, promote and stimulate the meat sector. The magazine covers the most interesting topics in relation with meat production from different points of view: most common additives and other emerging ones, handling equipment, production and cutting machinery, hygiene and safety systems, packaging and refrigeration processes, consumption trends and products for the whole industry.
In conclusion, a magazine exclusively targeted at all those involved in meat production, facilities or services for meat industry.
ComunicacionesHoy brings together information about the world of new information and communication technologies (ICT) for all types of companies.
The magazine includes reports on the latest technological trends that are enabling the digital transformation of companies, interviews with the main suppliers and industry associations, success stories and product analysis.
It is directed mainly to CEOs, CIOs, product and marketing managers of medium and large companies.
Gaceta de la Protección Laboral is the leading technical magazine on techniques and equipment for individual protection at work, risk prevention, health, hygiene and well-being at work. Published quarterly, this magazine deals with the main novelties and trends affecting the different actors in these markets: Occupational Risk Prevention managers, purchasing managers, human resources, operations and project personnel managers.
In each edition we will find the following fixed sections; business information and current products (footwear, gloves, fall protection, helmets, goggles, screens for welding, clothing with technical fabrics, Personal Protective Equipment for fire and signalling equipment).
TecnoPack magazine brings together information on the world of premium and industrial packaging related to food, beverages, consumption, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, cleaning and perfumery. Fruit of the merger of the veteran Interempresas Envase y Embalaje and the innovative Style Pack, the publication gathers articles, reports of the sector and interviews to professionals that show the trends in the design of packages and packings, distributors, big users, manufacturers of containers, equipments and machines, pallets, boxes, cases, cardboards, bags and sacks.
The magazine Ferretería, Bricolaje y Suministros industriales (Harware, DIY and Industrial Supplies) contains articles and reports related to the world of industrial supply for professionals as well as DIY and gardening for amateurs. In general, readers can also find information related to the world of DIY (Do it yourself), in addition to household goods, decoration and furniture for gardening and domestic irrigation. This magazine is aimed at hardware stores, DIY centres, cooperatives, purchasing and service centres, associations, export entities, large general stores and cash hardware, DIY and industrial supplies.
Náutica Profesional is a new communication initiative for recreational boating professionals, which aims to keep the sector informed of the latest technological innovations and market trends. With a quarterly periodicity, Industria Náutica combines the effectiveness of information on paper with the versatility of new information technologies, making available a daily updated information portal, a regular newsletter and profiles on social networks.
The contents include reports on sailing and motor boats, interviews with leading professionals, news and novelties in the sector, infrastructures, services, etc. The mission of keeping the nautical sector informed, manufacturers of brands of sailing or motor boats as well as inflatable, semi-rigid, in addition to connecting with potentially related sectors in obtaining components, accessories or accastillage defines NÁUTICA PROFESIONAL. It is also addressed to marinas, boatyards, repair companies, technical and design offices and suppliers of the nautical industry.
Reader profile: Specialists in the nautical world and who are part of manufacturers, shipyards, distributors, boat rental companies, nautical companies, associations, marinas, boatyards, dry docks, marinas, boat accessory manufacturers, suppliers, as well as local, regional and state administration entities related to the nautical industry.
A highly professional magazine, with information based on technical articles directly related to this industrial sector, covering all its different fields. The balanced set of the publication is the most current overview of the world of solar shading and textile architecture. With six annual issues, its purpose is to serve the professional and the industrialist, putting supply and demand in direct contact. Products, techniques, trends, regulations, companies and trade fairs are the subjects mentioned in its pages.
News, reports, interviews, technical articles, blogs, news, events and fairs agenda focused on all aspects related to Architecture, Construction and Interior Design. It is a publication focused on trends in the sector, but also on informing about new technological solutions applied to construction, as well as new more sustainable and efficient materials, without forgetting to offer the best real cases and building projects. Its potential readers are professionals and specifiers in the construction sector.
Publication that compiles, for more than 30 years, all the news of the sector of industrial and professional electronics in selected technical articles and application on the latest developments in this field; as well as all the novelties of products, on components, instruments of measure and test and systems for all the industries users of electronic systems: automotive, aeronautics, defense, telecommunications, and in general the industry 4.0.
Its target audience is, among others, technical directors, engineering and project directors, and R & D.
The magazine Interempresas Madera informs about all the latest news related to the world of the wood industry, from the origin of the raw material to its subsequent transformation and the finished product. The publication contains reports, technical articles and opinion articles informing the professional about the trends and novelties that occur in the development of this industry. In addition, through in-depth interviews, the opinion of the main actors in the sector is gathered.
The aim of the magazine Eneo is to encourage, promote and stimulate the wine sector, mainly addressed to winemakers and enologists. The magazine deals with the most interesting topics related to the elaboration of wines and cavas, from the vineyard to the final product. For this reason, topics such as the most common supplements and additives, as well as new emerging winemaking techniques, machinery and equipment for wineries and vineyards or new automation processes, among many others.
Acquired by the Nova Àgora Group in 2010, the Horticultura magazine is the senior magazine in the field of the fruit and vegetable industry. Conceived as a technical magazine, it is today the reference in the sector for the quality of its articles and reports, supervised by an editorial board composed of top-level researchers, as well as for its presence in the most important national and international events. The distribution is made between agricultural engineers, agronomists and biologists of producers of fruits, vegetables, ornamental plants and vivariums; cooperative organizations, associations, research and development centers; supply warehouses, sales agents of products and materials; and distributors of fruits, vegetables and flowers for export.
Technical magazine of the flat glass sector for building and glazing. With four annual issues, Vítrea brings together all the latest news from the construction glass sector, including information on new manufacturing techniques, installation, regulations, new trade fairs, opinion articles by renowned professionals and interviews with the protagonists of this sector.
The magazine Almazaras (4 editions/year) offers the opportunity to know in a visual and concise way the machinery and equipment used in one of the industries with more tradition in Spain, the olive oil industry. It is a publication aimed mainly at managers, master and technicians of oil mills, in as well as researchers in the olive sector. It is the official media of the Spanish Association of Masters and Oil Mill Operators (AEMODA).
The magazine Interempresas Impresión 3D - Fabricación Aditiva (3D Printing - Additive Manufacturing) aims to keep the manufacturing sector as a whole informed, as well as all sectors potentially interested in obtaining industrial, functional or conceptual parts for their respective activities. The magazine is aimed at specialists in the design and prototyping of parts, manufacturers of parts for a wide range of sectors, plastic processors, specialised engineering and consultancy firms, technology centres, mould designers and manufacturers as well as companies supplying the medical, aeronautical and automotive industries.
The magazine Interempresas Seguridad, both in its paper version and in its online version, reports on all the news related to the world of Security. The publication contains reports, technical articles and opinion articles that inform the professional about the trends and developments that occur in the field of Security, in its broadest sense. In addition, through in-depth interviews, the opinion of the main players in the sector is gathered, from the heads of specialized associations to companies and professionals linked to this market.
iCandela is a leading magazine for the lighting, architecture, and interior design sectors, Its pages feature a curated selection of the most innovative lighting projects, exclusive interviews with prominent industry professionals, and articles covering the latest trends and technological advancements.
Main Topics
- Featured Projects: Architectural, commercial, residential, and urban lighting. Trends and - Innovation: New technologies, sustainable design, and smart solutions. Industry Profiles: - Interviews with architects, designers, and lighting experts.
- Market News:The latest products, materials, and technologies.
Target Audience
- Key Professionals: Architecture studios, interior designers, and lighting specialists.
- Companies: Specialized retailers, electrical installers, importers, and contractors.
- Manufacturers and Distributors: Companies in the lighting and technical equipment sector.
Interempresas Industria Farmacéutica y Cosmética magazine aims to keep the pharmaceutical and cosmetics sector informed, and also to strengthen, promote and stimulate both industries.
The publication reports on the most interesting topics related to processes, analysis techniques, clinical trials, latest technologies, equipment, standards, laboratory, automation, logistics and engineering in the pharmaceutical and cosmetics industry.
Distribution: Pharmaceutical, cosmetics and veterinary companies. Distributors and analysis laboratories. Equipment Manufacturers. Packaging enterprises. Technicians from the production, control and quality departments. Logistics and engineering.
The Interempresas Smart Cities magazine, both in its paper version and in its online version, reports on all the news related to the world of 'Smart Cities', one of the main megatrends of our society. The publication contains reports, technical articles and opinion articles that inform the professional about the trends and developments that occur in sustainable and efficient urban development. In addition, through in-depth interviews, the opinion of the main players in the sector is gathered in areas as diverse as mobility, energy, waste management and new ICTs, among many others.
Jobwear magazine, published quarterly, brings together all the latest information on the workwear and corporate fashion.. The publication is mainly aimed at directors, purchasing managers, marketing and human resources managers of specialised wholesale and retail companies, industrial supplies, hotels, medical-hospitals, hairdressing and beauty salons. Also to the specialised departments of large supermarkets, official bodies and end users.
In each edition we will find the following fixed sections; business information and current products, ‘marketing pills’, past and present of certain uniforms and fashion uniforms.
TecnoSeaFood magazine aims to provide information to the fish sector as a whole, addressing all its agents, as well as to report on all of them with the ultimate purpose of empowering, promoting and stimulating it. The magazine discusses about the most interesting topics related to the processing of fish and canning products from different points of view, including those of companies that provide equipment and services for the fish, seafood, frozen food and canning industries. In short, a magazine aimed at all those involved in the optimum evolution of the fishing and canning products sector.
Interempresas Automotive magazine aims to keep the automotive industry as a whole informed, addressing all its agents and, at the same time, reporting on all of them with the ultimate aim of empowering, promoting and stimulating it. The magazine deals with the most interesting topics related to the manufacture of automobiles from different points of view: the most common and other emerging materials, formulas for weight reduction and energy saving in the production process, tools for machining, machines for the manufacture of metal parts, the growing introduction of composites in the sector, automation processes in industry, systems for improving competitiveness in production, etc. It is a magazine aimed at all those involved in the manufacture of all types of vehicles. Ultimately the mission is to promote competitiveness in the short, medium and long term through information about and for companies, as well as promoting relationships between them.
‘Interempresas Moldes’, published by Interempresas, is a magazine aimed at a wide range of readers, from mechanical workshops to mechanisers and, in particular, users of moulds and dies.
It is focused on all those agents related to this industry, whether manufacturers, suppliers, suppliers of auxiliary equipment, among others. This publication pretends to inform the sector about the latest developments, success stories and business information in order to promote and stimulate its growth. The magazine also includes market data and reports on the most important players in this sector and information on trade fairs and related events.
Interempresas Aeronautics magazine aims to keep the aeronautical sector as a whole informed, addressing all its agents, as well as reporting on all of them with the ultimate aim of boosting, promoting and stimulating it. The magazine deals with the most interesting topics related to the manufacture of aircraft from different points of view: the most common and other emerging materials, tools for their machining, machines for the manufacture of metal parts and/or composites, automation processes in the sector, systems for improving production competitiveness, etc.
Tierras Caprino magazine is the only specialized publication in this sector published in Spanish, and its trajectory and prestige have made it an essential guide for farmers and technicians who manage this species. Its pages analyze all aspects related to the work in goat farms, from the preparation and management of facilities and equipment, to the productive and reproductive management of the animals, as well as the evolution of the markets. Its content is approached with the utmost rigor, but it is presented with an informative tone, thinking of livestock farmers and field technicians as the main target audience.
Tierras Ovino magazine is the only specialized publication in this sector published in Spanish, and its trajectory and prestige have made it an essential guide for farmers and technicians who manage this species. Its pages analyze all aspects related to the work on farms, from the preparation and management of facilities and equipment, to the productive and reproductive management of the animals, as well as the evolution of the markets. Its content is presented with the utmost rigor, but with an informative tone, thinking of livestock farmers and field technicians as the main target audience.
Tierras Porcino magazine is a specialized publication oriented to the dissemination of technical contents of a sector, the swine, which can be defined as the economic engine of the Spanish livestock sector. This exclusive editorial project provides the swine professional with information as a useful tool for the improvement of animal production (health and animal welfare), the achievement of efficiency and optimization in farms and their environmental management. The dissemination is carried out at national level and the publication reaches most of the protagonists of the swine sector in Spain: farmers, veterinarians, technicians and managers of specialized companies.
Tierras Vacuno magazine is a specialized publication oriented to the dissemination of technical contents of the cattle sector, both for dairy and beef cattle. This exclusive editorial project provides the swine professional with information as a useful tool for the improvement of animal production (health and animal welfare), the achievement of efficiency and optimization in farms and their environmental management. Dissemination is nationwide and the publication reaches most of the protagonists of the cattle sector in Spain: farmers, veterinarians, technicians and managers of specialized companies.
The aim of Interempresas Heat and Surface Treatments magazine is to keep the treatment sector as a whole informed, addressing all its agents, as well as, reporting on all of them with the ultimate aim of boosting, promoting and stimulating it. The magazine deals with the most interesting topics related to treatments from different points of view, including those of those companies that supply equipment for carrying out treatments, as well as those that provide heat and surface treatment services to third parties. In short, a magazine aimed at all those involved in the manufacture of parts for industry. Ultimately the mission is to promote competitiveness in the short, medium and long term through information about and for companies, as well as promoting relationships between them.
Interempresas Construcción Industrializada is a unique and unpublished publication in Spain, focused on all aspects related to industrialized construction, that is, the technique by which the producer builds large parts of a house in a factory.
With 4 issues a year and especially aimed at professionals in the sector, it has the best real cases, building projects, reports, opinions, interviews, news and all the news, products and services on the market in addition to information on conferences, seminars , fairs, conferences and congresses.
A highly professional magazine, which bases its information on technical articles directly related to the educational sector, covering all its different fields. This balanced publication is the most current overview of the world of education. With two annual editions, its purpose is to serve the teacher, head of studies, director, putting supply and demand in direct contact. Products, techniques, trends, innovation, success stories, companies, trade fairs, congresses, conferences, are the elements this publication deals with.
ndependent publication specialising in the world of vertical transport, a spokesperson for the concerns of the sector and aimed exclusively at professionals. The magazine Ascensores y Montacargas is structured around articles, both technical and sectorial, market data, product monographs focused on the main components for the installation, rehabilitation and maintenance of all types of lifts. Focused very directly on the technologies and innovations that are constantly being developed in this market, with information on trade fairs and related events, there is also a focus on associations and regulatory updates, a key feature of this industry. Its potential readership ranges from lift installers and maintainers to specifiers in the field of vertical transport (architects, engineers, construction companies and developers, etc.), without forgetting key figures in this field such as property administrators and facility managers, among others.
Pavimentos y Revestimientos is the only magazine specialising exclusively in this field. Incorporated into Interempresas Media's catalogue of publications since the end of 2022, it covers the main themes of the sector through product monographs covering all types of materials for floor, wall and ceiling finishes, technical articles, innovative projects, reports and interviews. The magazine also covers the latest industry news by attending the most relevant events, trade fairs and congresses, both nationally and internationally, and is aimed above all at installers and distributors of flooring and wall and floor covering materials, architectural studios, interior designers, specialist retailers, associations and manufacturers.
Industria de la Pintura is a consolidated professional publication with a wide range of information on three main channels: printed magazine, newsletters and the sector/web channel, with daily updated information.
The information offered by Industria de la Pintura combines technical articles, describing technologies and processes, with news on products and current events in the companies that make up the sector.
Sanitarista's is the leading professional magazine in the bathroom equipment sector. With its incorporation to Interempresas Media at the end of 2022, this prestigious publication saw its structure strengthened to cover in depth the latest news of the sector in its most diverse variants: interviews, market studies, technical articles, company reports, trend reports, product news, events, etc. With four editions a year, Sanitarista's is aimed at both installers and distributors of bathroom materials and equipment - professional distributors, department stores, DIY centres, etc. - and specifiers - architects and interior designers - and trade fairs in the sector.
With more than 30 years of experience, the magazine 'Menaje de mesa y cocina' has its printed version and its respective online channels and regular newsletters. It reports on everything related to tableware and kitchenware, and is also a mouthpiece for the concerns of professionals in the sector. It includes interviews, specialised articles and interviews on kitchen, table and home equipment, small electrical appliances and storage, home textil, among other topics.
FuturENERGY publishes professional content related to the energy sector, in a global sense. Its editorial offer includes topics such as energy efficiency, sustainable construction, smart cities, renewable energies, smart grids, gas, cogeneration, among others. All of this in constant adaptation to changes, new developments, events and projects in the sector.
A leading technical magazine for professional communication of environmental projects, technologies and current affairs. Its wide distribution is aimed at public administrations and public-private management companies in the environmental sector and the integral water cycle: supply, sanitation and quality control. FuturEnviro is also distributed to environmental engineering and consultancy firms, and companies that manufacture and supply capital goods or technologies with applications in the environmental sector.
A professional magazine that is a reference for technical information on the naval and maritime sector. It is aimed at the main shipping companies, shipyards, auxiliary industry companies, ship repair workshops, technical engineering and naval engineers and technicians.
Interempresas Productos y Servicios para Mascotas is a technical publication that gathers both in print and online the most relevant information on trends, techniques and new products in the pet sector. The publication also pays special attention to all topics related to the management of dog and cat grooming salons, academies and training centers through reports, in-depth interviews and technical articles.
The magazine is mainly aimed at stores specializing in the sale of pet products, manufacturers and distributors of food, material and equipment for dog and cat grooming centers. It is also aimed at training centers and academies, as well as associations and trade fairs in the sector.
Professional magazine, a reference for information on gardening and landscaping, aimed at large supermarkets, plant nurseries, DIY centres and garden centres.
The Interempresas Planet Look magazine, both in its paper and online versions, is the meeting point for professionals and companies in the hairdressing sector, which generates value for both: users and brands. The publication, through reports, technical and opinion articles and news, aims to support the creation of synergies in favour of hairdressing companies and to bring together all the latest developments in the sector in the broadest sense of the word. Likewise, it is also a loudspeaker for specialised associations and professionals linked to hairdressing, all with the commitment to: inform, train and inspire the people who make up the sector.
Tradebike&Tri: was born in January 2013 out of a deep passion for sports and the industry's need for a dedicated media outlet focused solely on the Bike and Triathlon sector. TradeBike&Tri has grown, driven by the expertise accumulated over more than three decades in the sports industry. Today, Tradebike is the sole professional media outlet that provides the Bike sector with comprehensive dissemination through various contemporary channels, including print, digital, and social media. Its print version reaches professionals in over 3,100 bike stores in Spain and 400 industry suppliers, while its digital format is downloaded and read by expert professionals
Tradesport is today the leading media in the sporting goods market. With more than 30 years committed to the sporting goods sector, Tradesport's objective has always been the same: to provide answers to the sector's professionals through an informative support that offers companies communicative coherence between the messages that are sent to the consumer and those that should be sent to the retailer. Aware that with the maturity of this sector changes are necessary, our proposal was born different, firmly committed to a new form of advertising communication based on the transmission of Concepts, and based on our conviction that marketing precedes sales
Publication with updated information on the latest developments in products, equipment and services for electrical installations, aimed at professionals in the electrical, electronics and telecommunications industries.
In addition to its paper version, it has digital versions for tablets, computers and mobile phones. All of this designed to provide companies with qualified information and facilitate contact between manufacturers, distributors and buyers.
The 3D Printing/Addditive Manufacturing Sector Report, published for the first time in 2023 by Interempresas, aims to bring together in a single product all the data available from different sources, while also providing the vision of the main players in the sector. In this way, the report not only provides data, but also something much more valuable, such as the feelings of market players in relation to the evolution of the market, the most relevant issues and the challenges that arise. The aim is to capture and analyse these data and the trends that derive from them year after year, in order to serve as a guide for all those companies in the sector that require it.