
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at España se queda definitivamente sin ayudas de pago directo para la mayoria de frutas y hortalizas

Spain remains definitively without helps of direct payment for the mayoria of fruit and vegetables


29 January 2014

Afrucat and Fepex criticise the relative agreement to the system of direct payments to that have arrived this  week the managers of the 17 Autonomous Communities and the Minister of Agriculture in the frame of the Sectorial Conference of celebrated Agriculture in Madrid.

Manel Simon, general director of Afrucat, regrets of the stray opportunity to restructure, in base to a productive reality, the direct payments of the PAC. At present these payments  they quantify according to historical rights that do not represent the current situation.

Has not occurred the same in all the countries of the European Union, since the new PAC left the decision in hands of the governments of each been member. Giving the situation that other countries yes have modified it and will include all the fruit and vegetables in the only payments.

Simon stands out that “the agreement will force to the sector frutícola to compete with other markets with inequality of opportunities”.

Like this then , with regard to the previous PAC, the sector of the fruit remains in the same situation, with the pear williams, the yellow peach and the citrus fruit, that would have the same rights of only payment according to the historical perceived and the rest of fruit would not have any.

Afrucat Reports the injustice of the system. This would cause, for example, that an ancient plantation of widespread tobacco earning until €4.000 by hectare and that reconverted to melocotonero earning the same and competing in the market with a new plantation of melocotonero without any help. Also it will give the situation in that a Spanish producer of pear conference no copper whereas one Belgian, direct competition in the markets, yes do it.

The sector of the fruit remains in the same situation, with the pear williams, the yellow peach and the citrus fruit...
The sector of the fruit remains in the same situation, with the pear williams, the yellow peach and the citrus fruit, that would have the same rights of only payment according to the historical perceived and the rest of fruit would not have any.

Related Companies or Entities

Afrucat - Associació Catalana d'Empreses de Fruita i Hortalisses - Oki
Federación Española de Asociaciones de Productores Exportadores de Frutas, Hortalizas, Flores y Plantas Vivas

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