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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Leroy Merlin alcanza los 1.461 millones de euros en ventas durante 2011

Leroy Merlin reaches the 1.461 million euros in sales during 2011


14 March 2012

Leroy Merlin, company leader in decoration and conditioning of the home, reached during 2011 a figure of sales of 1.461 million euros, with more than 140 million articles sold. These figures situate to Leroy Merlin with a quota of market of 10% in a national market very atomizado. In base to these figures, one of each five homes is customer of Leroy Merlin, thanks to the more than 26 million consumers that visit annually the extensive network of shops that the company has delivered by all Spain. To day of today, Leroy Merlin has 51 shops in Spain, with presence in 15 of the 17 Autonomous Communities Spanish.

During 2011, Leroy Merlin has invested 73 million euros in Spain, allocated mainly to the opening of the new shop of Toledo, to the extension of the shop of Badalona, to the improvement of the logistical processes and to the generation of stable employment. Like this, during the past year have created 160 new places of direct work. In the actuality, Leroy Merlin has more than 8.000 collaborators.


The people are a fundamental strategic pillar for the development of the company. In this way, the majority of the places of responsibility of Leroy Merlin comes from of internal promotion and 93% of the direct places generated has indefinite character. All the collaborators of Leroy Merlin participate of the results of the company. The company has a system of differential compensation, called Political of Participation. The company delivered by this concept 13% of his profits between all his collaborators during the year 2011. To his time, 97% of the staff is shareholder of Groupe Adeo, to the that the company belongs.

Regarding learning of the equipment, Leroy Merlin gave the past year more than 160.000 hours of personalised learning to his collaborators.

The past year, Leroy Merlin carried out the renewal of 25% of his ranges of products. On the other hand, Leroy Merlin is on sale leader of products echo-efficient, through his range Echo-Options, whose figure of sales, during the past exercise, went of 191 million euros. This range includes more than 5.000 references of products and solutions that contribute to the efficient and sustainable utilisation of basic natural resources, the sustainability of the forestrys of origin and the aprovechamiento of the

Of face to this year Leroy Merlin will invest during 2012 more than 100 million euros in his new openings in Spain and will create roughly 1.000 places of direct work and 210 indirect. Leroy Merlin Spain enjoys of a solid leadership in the Spanish market and faces with optimism the present year. Funded with own resources, is a company without debt and with a potential of extraordinary growth. During 2012 it is foreseen the opening of 7 new shops, the first of them inaugurated recently in Córdoba, and 2 transfers of shop to installations wider with the aim to improve the service and facilitate the purchase to his customers. In the next months will open three new shops in the cities of Elche, Sabadell and Albacete, and in June of 2012 will reopen the shop of Majadahonda, with an investment of 20 million euros.

One of the priorities for Leroy Merlin during this year is to increase the number of available products for purchase through his page web, betting clearly by the sale multicanal. The aim for 2012 is to reach the availability of 30.000 products in his on-line available platforms and telephone. At present, Leroy Merlin offers the ranges of products of garden, heating and tools for his sale through internet, with a big acceptance by part of the public and big success in the number of operations realised. In 2011, the web of Leroy Merlin reached the figure of 20 million visits and more than 4 million downloads of videos of councils on bricolaje.

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