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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Bricoking empresa ganadora de los VII Premios Solidarios ONCE-Galicia

Bricoking Winning company of the VII Prizes Solidarios ONCE-Galicia


9 May 2014

The jury of the VII Prizes Solidarios ONCE-Galicia has chosen to Bricoking (inside the category of company) like winner of the corresponding awards to this edition. These prizes recognise the work of coincident solidarity with the essential values of the ONCE and his Foundation and the philosophy that impregnates the social economy and the aims of the Third Sector.

Bricoking Collaborates with programs of inclusion to the employment of people in risk of social exclusion or of difficult insertion. They began realizar collaborations with entities of social action of Galicia and little by little have gone extending to the rest of the State through organisations like Cogami, Red Cross or Cáritas. His performance consists mainly in the realisation of processes of labour learning and contractings, in addition to donations of material to non-profit organisations.

The jury has been formed by the secretary xeral of Social Politics of the Xunta, Chorus Piñeiro; the president of Red Cross of Galicia, Mª of Carmen Colmeiro; the president of the Cermi-Galicia, Anxo Queiruga, and the journalists and communicators Martina Canicoba, Paco Lodeiro, Antón Luaces, Pablo Portabales and Ernesto Sánchez Pombo. By part of the ONCE has been Dolores Venancio Vilaboy, president of the Territorial Council, that acted like president, as well as Manuel Martínez Bread, territorial delegate in Galicia and Antonio Greater Villa, Director of Communication and Image of the ONCE.

The delivery of awards will take place the next 19 June, in a gala that will celebrate in the Theatre Columbus of A Coruña.

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Bricoking, S.A.

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