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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Entrevista a Eduardo Salazar, gerente de Aside

“Look to the future with some optimism but without euphoria”

Interview to Eduardo Salazar, manager of Aside

Nina Jareño25/02/2014

Aside, Grouping of Industrial Supplies of Spain, is formed by a group of skilled companies in the supply to the industry that gave his first steps in 1989. This 2014, Aside celebrates his 25 anniversary with more than 30 companies associated. Eduardo Salazar, manager of Aside, exposes in this interview his vision of the situation that crosses the sector of the industrial supply in these complex moments.

Eduardo Salazar, manager of Aside
Eduardo Salazar, manager of Aside.

This 2014 celebrates the 25 anniversary of the foundation of Aside. The stability is one of the main characteristic of the path of the group, that already has 36 associated. Which assessment does of these 25 years?

The stability in the partners that compose Aside is such that in his path of 25 years have belonged to Aside, in total, 42 companies, rising to day of today the payroll of partners to 36, being the greater part of the drops motivated by cessation of business.

From his foundation by part of 12 employers of the sector, have been a lot of the avatars become in the 25 years of existence of Aside. These avatars have carried to the consolidation, nowadays, of the group referent of the sector of the industrial supply. In the history of Aside, is important to stand out his profesionalización in the year 2002 with his juridical transformation, the opening to agreements with groups of other countries from the year 1992, the enlargement of his horizons of purchase in other European countries and Asians or the manufacturing of a common catalogue of products.

Which situation crosses Aside at present? How it is facing up to the crisis that suffers the Spanish economy?

Fortunately the positive evolution of the sales in the last months of the year 2013 have achieved to invest the situation of the last years, achieving grow 2% with regard to the previous exercise, fact that allows us look to the future with some optimism but without euphoria any. We trust that this tonic keep and carry stability to the daily work.

In these moments complicated, is producing a proliferation of white marks?

Speaking of our sector do not see link between the situation and the white marks, rather on the contrary, think that the economic situation has ralentizado the development of the same, given the economic outlay that this supposes.

In reference to the small trade, is losing forces the small shop in front of big surfaces devoted to the prescription of products for the professional?

Installations of Aside in Vitoria
Installations of Aside in Vitoria.

Is likely in sectors less professional, but in the sector of the industrial supply the company knows who contributes him the solutions and advises him in any need that have, turning us into service companies. The active elder of the partners of Aside is his personnel with professionalism, experience, knowledge and a permanent recycling.

The last big event of Aside has been the signature of an agreement with the German group And/D/And for the commercialisation of Forum. It could explain in what consists this agreement?

The agreement does not circumscribe exclusively to the commercialisation of Forum. In the same contemplate collaborations in different fields like the marketing, the logistics, the e-commerce, etc.

Which range of products offers Forum and which advantages offers?

At present the catalogue Forum is formed by 9.000 references, the greater part of them manufactured in Europe by the main providers of the sector. They are products of total guarantee to advantageous prices. Guaranteeing his delivery in a time limit of 48 hours with a ratio of service of 98%.

And to finish, how foresees the future for Aside, to which challenges confront from now?

Of way halagüeña, working as always and trying be to the cape of the changes that produce in the distribution, trying give fulfilled answer to the same. Surrounding us of the best partners and taking advantage of us mutually of our synergies.

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