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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at La octava edición de Eurobrico arrancará en Feria Valencia del 1 al 3 de octubre

The eighth edition of Eurobrico will start in Fair Valencia of the 1 to 3 October


17 January 2014

The International Fair of the Bricolaje (Eurobrico) already has date in the calendar for the celebration of which will be his eighth announcement, of the 1 to 3 October in Fair Valencia.

The president of the sample, Luis Franco, works already in the renewal of the committee organiser of the living room in which they will participate the most notable sectorial professionals, in representation of each one of the segments that conform the world of the bricolaje and the ironingingmongery.

Eurobrico Is the International Fair of the Bricolaje

Eurobrico Is the International Fair of the Bricolaje.

The sample that explains from his starts with the backrest of the sector of the DIY has undertaken already again conversations with the AFEB (Spanish Association of manufacturers of Bricolaje and Ironingingmongery); and in the last assembly of the ADFB (Association of Distributors of Ironingingmongery and Bricolaje), entity of which Eurobrico is member, the ADFB reiterated the support to the contest like only sample of the sector.

As it ensures Alejandro Roda, director of Eurobrico, “this year is the definite year of the change. The coyuntura economic already aims to the recovery and are firmly convinced that the one who want to continue inside the sector and sell to the distribution has to be present in Eurobrico'14”. “Because we do not forget -add- that 90% of the power of purchase gathers in each one of the announcements of Eurobrico”.

According to Roda, the attraction of the buyer of quality is the main bet of the living room and, in this sense, has signalled that already it is speaking with new communities to add them to the project.

In this occasion and as it already occurred in his announcement of 2012, the Professional Living room of the Bricolaje will go back to coincide with Iberflora (International Fair of Plant and Flor, Technology and Bricojardín) with the aim to improve between both samples the living room of the garden. But besides this year, the synergies between contests will multiply with the development in parallel of the contest Fits, (Fair of the Warehouse, the distribution and the Point of sale); and of the second edition of Vegetable World (Living room of the Innovation and Agricultural Technology).

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