
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Un sistema de gestión avanzado ahora al alcance de los profesionales del sector de envase y embalaje

A system of management advanced now near at hand of the professionals of the sector of packs and packaging


21 November 2013

Tipsa has decided to facilitate to the signatures of the sector of packs and packaging the renewal of the software of business management (technology Microsoft Dynamics NAV) offering a discount until the 70 %. “Dinamizar The processes of management, production and commercialisation with tools that offer an exhaustive control of costs and an integral vision of all that that becomes in the company” is the premise of the technological proposal that Tipsa and Microsoft direct to the sector of the packs and packaging, ensures Juan Carlos Herce, director of Operations of the quality consultancy riojana.

Builds on the ERP Microsoft Dynamics NAV. The aim: “give an efficient answer to the sectorial and personal peculiarities that each company sues, minimising the impact on the daily work of his professionals during the period of implantation. Also, betting by a fast and safe transition that have like end open new roads of competitiveness and productivity thanks to the integration of the management (financial, chain of supply, production…) with utilities that allow the collaboration with customers, providers, workers or partners, and the safe access to the information through mobile devices or of a browser web.

Are easy solutions to learn and use thanks to his interoperability and similar interface to other tools of Office with which the user is accustomed to work”, concludes Herce.

Tipsa, with more than twenty years of experience designing and implanting solutions of business management, and the guarantee of Microsoft, convert this technological initiative in the best option to optimise all the processes of management of the companies of the sector of the packs and packaging.

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Tipsa, S.L.

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