
Este artículo fue escrito originalmente en Spanish. Se ha traducido automáticamente para su comodidad. Se han hecho esfuerzos razonables para proporcionar una traducción precisa; sin embargo, ninguna traducción automática es perfecta, ni es su intención la de sustituir a un traductor humano. El artículo original en Spanish puede verlo en La industria del papel impulsa un uso más eficiente del agua y vertidos más limpios
The Ministry of environment and Aspapel sign a sector plan to four years of clean spills and impetus to the efficient use of water

The paper industry promotes a more efficient use of water and clean spills

Drafting QU01/02/2006
Cristina Narbona, Minister of environment and Juan Vila, President of Aspapel, recently signed a voluntary agreement MMA-Aspapel on discharges of waste water from the manufacture of pulp, paper and cardboard industry. The agreement involves an ambitious sectoral plan for reduction of discharges of the paper sector, and promotes the efficient use of water within the framework of the new water policy.
The agreement, which was signed by Aspapel, the manufacture of paper, pulp and cardboard industry association, is an ambitious sectoral plan for reduction of discharges of the paper sector, and promotes the efficient use of water within the framework of the new water policy. The sector reaches the commitment that its discharges are progressively cleaner and optimized a more efficient use of the resource water. It also promotes the implementation of best available technologies on the application of law 16/2002 of prevention and integrated pollution Control (IPPC).

The MMA-Aspapel agreement has been signed for a term of four years and is binding on the companies in the sector, which undertake to adapt their discharges to the demanding emission limit values set out and not to use molecular chlorine (Cl2) in the money laundering kraft. The potential of discharges subject to the agreement is of 90 are (90 million cubic metres).

From the individual reports standardized and accredited companies, Aspapel will annually prepare a sectoral report which shall deliver to the Ministry of the environment during the first half of each year of the agreement and which shall be accompanied by the above-mentioned individual reports. Also, a follow-up Committee of the agreement will be constituted between the parties.

The MMA-Aspapel agreement also constitutes a frame of reference for the companies in the sector and the different competent authorities in the field of waste, in the development and application of the law 16/2002 of prevention and integrated control of pollution. The limit values of emissions referred to in the agreement are considerably more demanding than those laid down in the surrounding countries and to those included in international treaties on the subject (CNM, OSPAR-PARCOM, HELCOM).

The agreement has been signed for a period of four years and is binding on the companies in the sector

Recent achievements

In the last 15 years production has grown by 50 percent while water use has been reduced by almost 40 per cent.

Spanish paper industry has a long tradition in the implementation of efficiency measures on the use of water. Total water usage has been reduced by 40 per cent since 1990. And unitary disposal has decreased by 40 per cent for the cellulose and a 70 per cent for the role and has significantly improved its quality. The chemical oxygen demand (COD) of the effluent from the sector per produced tonne has been reduced by 36 per cent for the role and a 55 per cent for cellulose. Solids in suspension per tonne fell by 58 percent to cellulose and an 89 per cent for the role. Also halogenated organic compounds (AOX), present in the effluents produced by the production of bleached pulp, have fallen by 62 per cent.

From left to right, Cristina Narbona, Minister of environment and Juan Vila, President of Aspapel
From left to right, Cristina Narbona, Minister of environment and Juan Vila, President of Aspapel.

Industry pioneer in sustainability

With this agreement the paper sector launches a tool to reach two of the goals of improvement included in its sectoral sustainability report: commitment to deepen the decline of their discharges and improving its quality and commitment to eradicate totally the use of elemental chlorine in the laundering of the cellulose.

The paper sector presented in March 2005 the first sectoral report of sustainability that was published in Spain. In it he formulated his vision of sustainability as "the decisive contribution of the paper and the companies who make it to the improvement of the quality of life and sustainable development through sustainable forest management, clean production processes and the continuous recycling of their products". Based on the concept of cycle of the role, the industry defines four axes of action, which articulated the commitment of the paper industry to sustainability: sustainable forest management, efficient and accountable production process, leadership in recovery and recycling, and generation of wealth and contribution to the quality of life. A number of indicators have been identified for each of these axes, up to a total of 30, to which detailed reviews in memory. And, aware that along with the achievements there are still outstanding challenges, sector assumes its commitment to tackle them with rigour, which raises 18 specific improvement targets and defines the necessary actions for their realization.

Spanish paper industry has a long tradition in the implementation of efficiency measures on the use of water

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