Grupo Arc Eurobanan, S.L. - Other tropical fruits

Isla Bonita

Tamarillos: his origin is in Andes Peruvian

Picture of Tamarillos
His origin is in Andes Peruvian, but has extended by other tropical countries. Colombia is the most significant provider. Also they are producing countries Brazil, New Zealand, Kenia, South Africa, California, India and Sri Lanka.

The colour of his leather varies of the orange to the red or purple and is very fine. The pulpa is gelatinous and houses numerous seeds (are of colour granate, flat and no very hard. They are had in shape of kidney), that give him even more seemed with the tomato. His flavour is agridulce, can result something bitter. Regarding his size, is used to to measure some 8 centimetres and around 5 of diameter.

From the punto of the commercialisation, can stand out the Common tomato (of form lengthened, purple colour and anaranjado), the round tomato (of colour anaranjado-reddish) and the tomato dwells (of form oblonga and of purple colour).

It composes in his majority of water, from here his bajísimo contained in calories. We can stand out his content of pro vitamin To and vitamin C, with a big antioxidant action. In a lot of lower measure contains vitamin E and vitamins of the group B, like the B1, B2 and B6, this last result indispensable for the good operation of the nervous system. Besides it contains levels very high of calcium, ironinging and phosphorus. Has the property to have an effect saciante, which does that it was an ideal food for the people that try to lose weight. It is very good to combat the anaemia ferropénica, drop, stress and when the defences of our organism are drops.

Temporalidad: All the year.