Grupo Arc Eurobanan, S.L. - Pineapple

Isla Bonita Baby

Pineapple: it measures roughly 18 centimetres of larg

Picture of Pineapple
The tropical pineapple is originaria of Sudamérica, specifically of Brazil. At present Panama, Ivory Coast, Guatemala and Costa Rica are the main producing countries.

Of oval and thick form. It measures roughly 18 centimetres of long. His pulpa is acidulada and aromatic, and has a yellow or whitish colour, and is covered by bracts that form his leather.

They know three varieties of tropical pineapple: Cayenne Lisse, Golden Ripe (MD 2), Perola, Red or Spanish …

His content in water is high. The pineapple is rich in vitamins B, C and To, in ironinging and in calcium. In spite of his sweet flavour because of his content in sugars, his value calórico is moderate, even helps in the elimination of the fat. This fruit has an effect diurético and depurativo, which benefits to people with problems of kidney. It contains bromelina, an enzyme that can act as substitutive of the gastric juices, improving the digestions and helping to the absorption of the proteins.

Temporalidad: All the year.