Grupo Arc Eurobanan, S.L. - Other tropical fruits

Isla Bonita

Physalis: at present it cultivates in South Africa, Colombia and in Spain (in Huelva)

Picture of Physalis
It is originaria of the warm zone of south America, especially of Peru. From there his crop extended by Europe from the discovery of America, where cultivates near of 45 species. At present it cultivates in South Africa, Colombia and in Spain (in Huelva).

Generally the physalis is a berry of pulpa firm and cover of a beige membrane. Has form of globe, asemejándose to the one of a cherry. It is surrounded by a fine membrane called chalice. The internal fruit does not have to take out of the membrane until his consumption. Has a delicate flavour agridulce. This berry contains crowd of seeds in his interior.

Of body all the varieties stand out two: Goldenberry (sweet flavour and of golden leather); Yellow Dwarf (his fruit is a yellow berry of form rounded, and with a sweet flavour although something sour).

It contributes a big quantity of carbohydrates, but very little of fats and proteins. His greater component is the water, by what results very a very low fruit in calories. Rico in vitamin B1, B2, C and And, but especially is rich in pro vitamin To. Has an antioxidant effect thanks to his content in vitamins C and To. It contains organic acids, pectin (soluble fibre) and lower proportion taninos that confer him one some astrigencia. They are very good to control the level of sugar. It is not a fruit recommended for the people that suffer diabetes, renal illnesses, sobrepeso and disorders gastrointestinales. By the contrary is perfect for the sportsmen, people with stress and for the fatigue because of the decrease of the defences.

Temporalidad: All the year.