Grupo Arc Eurobanan, S.L. - Papaya

Isla Bonita

Papayas: it is a very substantial fruit, soft and with a consistency mantecosa

Picture of Papayas
According to some authors the papaya proceeds south of Mexico and Central America, although this data is not of the all safe. At present it cultivates in Oriental Africa, South Africa, India, Ecuador, Malaysia and Brazil.

It is a very substantial fruit, soft and with a consistency mantecosa. His form is ovoid-oblonga, almost cylindrical. His leather is fine and of a yellowish colour. His pulpa is of an orange colour very alive and of flavour very sweet and soft. In his interior contains a big number of seeds of black colour, with a spicy flavour and properties laxantes. His length varies of the 10 to the 25 centimetres. His weight round the 500-1.000 grams, although it exists some copy that can reach the 50 kg of weight.

They exist numerous varieties. In Europe the varieties that more commercialise are the Sunrise, the Golden and the Mamao Formosa, this last is the also called Papayón, of greater size and flavour sweeter and fine.

After the water, his main component are the carbohydrates, the simple majority, although in small quantities, by what his value calórico is low. It is rich in vitamins To, C (more than the kiwi and the orange), B and B2 and has a high content in potassium, mineral very necessary for the transmission and generation of the nervous impulse and for the normal muscular activity. Like this, 100 grams of papaya, cover the daily needs of vitamin C of an adult and 20% of the ones of vitamin To. It contains a protein called papaína that disgrega the proteins and help to his best absorption, in addition to having qualities cicatrizantes, is thus that this fruit is recommended for the people with problems of stomach. It is a sweet fruit, refrescante and of easy consumption, very rich in substances with antioxidant action. Also it has an effect depurativo. The papaya also contains Carpaína that is an activador of the blood circulation.

Temporalidad: All the year.