Grupo Arc Eurobanan, S.L. - Other tropical fruits

Isla Bonita

Mangostán: they do not know varieties, but identify in function of the size of the fruit

Picture of Mangostán
It is originario of the sudeste of Asia, more specifically of Thailand. Between the main producing countries find Creameo, China, Thailand, Philippines, Brazil, Madagascar and Guinea.

His leather is of purple colour or purple, with four sepals to way of flower. The pulpa of white colour, is sweet and substantial and is divided in four or more gajos, that can separate with the hand. His flavour is sweet. The mangostán that consumes in Spain measures roughly 7 centimetres of length and weighs of 80 to 150 grams.

They have not identified varieties, but differentiate in function of the size of the fruit, the flavour, the degree of acidity and colour.

Very rich in carbohydrates and vitamins B1, B2, C And And. Also it stands out his content in potassium. The potassium is very necessary for the generation of the nervous impulse and for the activity of our muscles. Likewise, it contributes fibre that helps us to the improvement of the operation of the intestine. His consumption advises , instead, to combat the hipertensión and the retention of liquids. It contains more than 40 molecules of xantonas, antioxidant very powerful. Beneficial for antifatiga, warns seasicknesses, goes down the fever, warns renal calculations, protects the heart, good for conditions of the leather, anti depresivo …

Temporalidad: all the year.