Grupo Arc Eurobanan, S.L. - Other tropical fruits

Isla Bonita

Lulos: they do not know varieties

Picture of Lulos
It is a tropical fruit that has Andean origin and is frequently consumed in Peru, Ecuador, Colombia and Centre America, mainly in Costa Rica.

His fruit of yellow colour- orange have of 3 to 8 cm of diameter. His shell is covered with fine fluffs, that can delete easily. Internally, his structure asemeja to the one of the tomato. His sour fruit, yellow greenish has a pulpa with numerous seeds and juice of green colour.

They do not know varieties.

High contained in water with more than 92%, as well as phosphorus. Also they find concentrations of riboflamonas, niacina or sour ascórbico. Help to conciliate the dream, relieves nervous illnesses, diuretiza and clean the blood. By his high content of phosphorus and vitamin To, collaborates in the learning of nails, bones and hair. His acid helps to recess softly the cholesterol. It does not recommend however take lulo to the lower boys of a year and to the people with allergies or arterial tension drop.

Temporalidad: All the year.