Grupo Arc Eurobanan, S.L. - Other tropical fruits

Isla Bonita

Longan: they do not know varieties

Picture of Longan
Originario South of China, although it also can find in zones of Indonesia, southwest of India, sudeste of Asia and Sri Lanka. At present his crop has extended to California (United States) given the similarity of the climate.

Have a spherical form or oval, his diameter varies between the 2,2-3,6 cm and his weight between 6-19 g. The shell is of colour bronzed or carmelita clear, thin and of leathery consistency but smoother that the one of the litchi. The pulpa is blancuzca and translúcida, thin in the fruit that possess big seeds and of average to thick in others. The fruit have a seed of globular form, brilliant and of colour carmelita to carmelita dark. The pulpa does not adhere to the seed and is of good flavour, sweet and contains of the 12-21% of soluble solids.

They do not know varieties to world-wide level. But the flavour can vary depending on the zone where cultivate .

High content in water, upper to 83%. Under level calórico and of carbohydrates, as well as of fat with around 0,1 g by each 100 grams of product. To his time find high levels of minerals like the phosphorus, potassium or magnesium. Alta witnesses of Vitamin C.

Temporalidad: All the year.