Grupo Arc Eurobanan, S.L. - Kumquat

Isla Bonita

Kuamquat: it can arrive to weigh at most some 20 grams

Picture of Kuamquat
His origin situates in the South of China and cultivates in Israel, Florida, Japan, Australia and Spain.

Of the same colour that the orange, his form is oval or round. The leather is smooth and slightly sour. The pulpa is very substantial, has a sweet flavour and is divided in 4-5 gajos with 2 or 3 seeds in function of the variety. It can arrive to weigh at most some 20 grams. It can measure between 20 and 30 millimetres of long and of 2 to 3 centimetres of diameter.

The most known variety in our country and in the rest of Europe, is the designated Oval or Nagami, Nevertheless another very remarkable variety is the round or Marumi).

His energetic value is high and is very rich in vitamins C, B1, B2 and And. Also it is remarkable his content in acid fólico (his consumption is very appropriate for the pregnant women) and in minerals like the magnesium (mineral that relates with the good operation of the intestine, nerves and muscles), the potassium and the calcium. It has antioxidant properties, because of his content in carotenoides. It has a high content in fibre. By his content in citrus acid is a fruit with properties antisépticas.

Temporalidad: All the year.