Grupo Arc Eurobanan, S.L. - Custard apple

Isla Bonita

Cherimoyas: in Spain the most consumed classes are: Fino Jete, Campas, Pacica, Bonita

Picture of Cherimoyas
It is a tropical fruit of Andean origin.

It is a fruit recubierto with a leather of green colour with a drawing to way of flakes. His form is resembled the one of a human heart. Of the pulpa give off some seeds of black colour.

In Spain the most consumed classes are: Fino Jete, Campas, Pacica, Bonita.

It presents a high content in carbohydrates (20%), fundamentally simple sugars like the fructosa, the glucose and the saccharose and a 75 % of water. It contains minerals like the calcium, the potassium, the phosphorus and vitamins B and C. In addition to others: Niacina, Riboflavina,Tianina, Acido fólico, Acido ascórbico, antioxidant.

Temporalidad: All the year.