Grupo Arc Eurobanan, S.L. - Avocado

Isla Bonita

Avocados: they exist more than 400 varieties. The most known are the Hass and the Strong

Picture of Avocados
The avocado is originario of Mexico. The main producing countries are Mexico, Israel, Kenia, South Africa, Peru, Chile and in Spain: in Málaga and Canaries.

Appearance: it has form of pear, and in his interior contains a seed of big size and recubierta by a fine woody layer of brown colour. His leather is green, rough and fine in the strong variety and darker and rugosa in the variety Hass. The pulpa is aceitosa, cremosa and of a clear green colour or yellowish white. The varieties that commercialise are used to to measure of 10-13 centimetres of long and weigh of 150-350 grams.

Varieties: they Exist more than 400 varieties. The most known are the Hass and the Strong.

Nutritional qualities: it is one of the richest fruit in fibre. Between the vitamins stands out the vitamin E that is a powerful antioxidant, what turns him into an ally against the cancer. Also they can mention the vitamin B6 (piridoxina) and the vitamin C; and of minerals the ironinging and the magnesium. They exist studies that indicate that the consumption of this fruit diminishes the level of cholesterol and reduces the excess of fats since 32% of his weight is oil of the type "oleico". Indicated for diabéticos, by his capacity equilibrante of sugar in the blood.

Temporalidad: All the year.