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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at ¿Y si nos grapamos a Francia por los Pirineos?

And if us grapamos to France by the Pyrenees?

Ibon Linacisoro. Director of Interempresas01/10/2010

1 October 2010

Oerc euq somevlov The Gib Gnab. Translation: I Think that we go back to the Big Bang. In simple terms, the time can explain to forward or to backwards. The Spanish humanity has decided to go for backwards, undertake already the way of return, of such form that inside some añitos, will go back to the Big Bang. We will enjoy of these glorious artificial fires. Nevertheless, to facilitate the reading, go to be followed writing to forward. The subject Is putting ugly, because to follow the Spanish human by the derroteros of the defeat, some perverse mind European will think in resorting to the serrucho to separate the Peninsula of the continent by the zone of the Pyrenees. Also it is likely that the temptation of the serrucho triumph if we follow suffering the effect to having studied so much, since, as they have checked researchers of the University Medical Centre of Chicago, the mental exercise accelerates the dementia once that this appears. It seems that an active brain is it for the two processes: to keep his functions in full performance during more time, but also to lose his capacities. In Spain, with so much university, is suffering this situation. Of so much think, somav arap sarta.

And it is that besides, somav arap sarta in everything, that is to say, in the economy, in what it seems us important, in what we see in the news... For example, the absurd studies of the university of do not know where, whose results amplify in any debate, in any half. Exciting that that analysed the form to launch penaltis of a megacrack. The penalti was until then, this big stranger. Unambiguous sample that somav arap sarta is also the language. All aim us to expressesions, forms to speak, sentences done… Anyway, what can say to “put in value”? Now all the world “puts something in value” and, simultaneously, puts the pelos of tip to the one who listens it. And of the installation that in Vizcaya so that the wine age under the sea? And the of Belén Esteban and the deputies that would obtain if it presented to the elections? Out of here they have organised . The prizes IgNobel reward absurd studies like which documents oral sex between bats, the one who affirms that the companies are more efficient if they promote to his employees at random or the one who concludes that soltar swearwords relieves the pain.

Too many bobadas for good thing. The shrinking is already irreversible, only remain us measured for paliarlo. Graparnos To France by the Pyrenees is the solution. To see who us loose!

Comments on article / news piece

#3 - MAR
13/10/2010 18:57:34
Buena reflexión, seria estupendo graparnos a Francia, pero nuestros actuales gobernantes están empeñados en tender un puente desde Cádiz hasta África. En las próximas elecciones debemos decidir, ir para arriba o hacia abajo, asi cada cual grape lo que quiera
#2 - Sr. Daniel Bouzas
10/10/2010 19:27:41
Ibon. Interesante la opinión. Inexorablemente el tiempo marcha en un solo sentido, al menos por ahora y debemos poner todo nuestro esfuerzo en pensar el futuro. De nada vale llorar sobre la leche derramada. El futuro se empieza a construir todos los días y por lo tanto comienza hoy. Es con el esfuerzo mancomunado de todos como se resuelve, con paciencia, paso a paso. España ya está colada a Francia por una cuestión geopolítica, es parte de la región y seguirá siéndolo. Ya está grapada in eternum. A poner fé en el futuro y trabajar duro por él. Nada se construye desde arriba, solo los pozos, lo demás se construye desde abajo. Saludos. Daniel.
#1 - Otsenre
04/10/2010 14:29:35
Sedadicilef rop le olucítra. Pero no creo que vayamos para atrás. Más bien nos convendría ir para atrás, en el sentido de hacer las cosas como antes. Alguno de los ejemplos que citas eran impensables hace algunos años. Más que graparnos a Francia, deberíamos graparles la boca a muchos de nuestros dirigentes (y no solo políticos).

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