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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Entrevista a Francisco Carrió, director general de Alimentaria Exhibitions

“The fairs of the future are those that trascend his commercial paper, turning into 'hubs', where happen important things for the sector”

Interview to Francisco Carrió, general director of Alimentary Exhibitions

Anna León20/03/2012

14 March 2012

“The fairs are the mirror of an industrial state”. It says it Francisco Carrió, general director of Alimentary Exhibitions, of actuality in front of the celebration of Alimentary 2012, of the 26 to 29 March in the Big enclosure Via, of Fira of Barcelona. A contest that posits like main diffuser of knowledge about the sector agroalimentario, but also of our gastronomic culture. From here a new concept the one of ‘hub' or space “where happen things”, but applied to one of our more international fairs.
Francisco Carrió, general director of Alimentary Exhibitions
Francisco Carrió, general director of Alimentary Exhibitions.

Near of 4.000 display units –1.300 foreigners, of 75 countries–, as well as a planned influx of 140.000 visitors –35.000 of out of our country–. These are the figures that you stir for Alimentary 2012, that celebrates of the 26 to 29 March in the Big enclosure Via. How they carry, from the organisation, all the volume of information, transactions, sinergias and business that handles a contest of these characteristics?

Supposes a challenge yes, but carry it with a lot of pride. For us it is a satisfaction have in our hands the “big fair” of the sector agroalimentario Spanish, that in these moments generates almost 9% of the GDP. And besides, the second sector in importance, only surpassed by the tourism, inside the Spanish industry. An industry that has given a dump, in the last years, and keeps some positive commercial scales. In this sense, propose us keep the quality of always, conserve the fidelity of the customers, and why no, improve an edition after another. Little by little, we incorporate novelties, add innovations and reinventamos this contest splitting of an initial idea: “The fairs are the mirror of an industrial state”. It is necessary then , approach them to the future axles of each sector, looking for the excellence ferial. It is innegable that the commercial offer, the contact between offer and demand is prioritario, but increasingly, the fairs trascend his commercial paper, turning into a meeting point “in which they happen important” things for the sector. The net-working, the learning, also are important. And here we are we, organising the fair with greater international projection of the country.

Centring us in the edition of this year, Alimentary occupies almost 94.500 m2, a similar height to the one of the previous announcement. However, it has redistributed for like this incorporate two new pavilions, the 5 and the 7, where will take place living rooms like Congelexpo, Interpesca, Expoconser, Intercarn and the new space ‘The Alimentary Hub'. What contributes this new distribution to the contest? It has influenced, somehow, in the number of participants and in the one of possible visitors?

If we compare the current distribution with the one of Alimentary 2010, it is necessary resaltar several things. For example, in this occasion have not occupied the pavilion 8 of the enclosure ferial Big Via. In his place, have redirected some of the activities that carried out in rooms attach and have centralised them in the area of exhibition. With which purpose? As with the one to put near at hand of display units and visitors those spaces where “happen things”. If a signature, leader in the sector, organises a presentation with the new distribution will have more repercussion. Or that organise forums and meetings of work between display units Spanish and international buyers, in strategic places very visited by the public. It has been a challenge, but are very satisfied of the answer that have had. Perhaps where have had more problems to reach the initial aims has been in the area of the public organisations. Mainly in the autonomic pavilions and some international participations that have reserved fewer metres that in inner editions, because the crisis has happened them bill. The public investment is scarce nowadays and here have observed a lower occupation, although we have compensated it with the greater participation of private companies. All an attainment for Alimentary 2012, taking into account the coyuntura current.

“Organise Alimentary supposes a challenge, but carry it with a lot of pride. For us it is a satisfaction have in our hands the “big fair” of the sector agroalimentario Spanish, that in these moments generates almost 9% of the GDP”
Alimentary is a challenge for the organisation that insists in that the fairs of the future are those that trascend his commercial paper...
Alimentary is a challenge for the organisation that insists in that the fairs of the future are those that trascend his commercial paper. In this consists the excellence ferial that treat to incorporate to the “big fair” of the feeding. Photo: Fira of Barcelona.

Regarding the second question, have tried to transmit to the expositor the idea that we work for him. Therefore, we have sectorizado the fair. It is important that each company know that we go to invite to the buyers of his interest and that beside his area of influence go to celebrate activities related with his sector. Besides, in Alimentary 2012 have focalizado a lot our effort to the channel of the catering, especially through the living room Restaurama. The ‘food service' is one of the big axles vertebradores of the manufacturers of feeding in the actuality. The irruption does some years of the white mark has punished his margins, by what have seen forced to divert his investments to other sectors that contribute them more profit. In this sense, the ‘food service' is a good alternative. Thus, this year we have expanded our investment in the gastronomic areas and of service to the catering. We have organised a new activity, to which have baptised like Food Experience Markets & Trends, a novelty inside the living room Restaurama. In this case, we have programmed some very useful sessions for the restaurador and the professional of the kitchen. We have gone further to have the presence of chefs recognised. In addition to treating thematic on technology in the kitchen, explain how work the products, how handle them. First, to offer a big result to the professional; second, to satisfy to the user of ready dishes and also to the commensal, that that eats out of house.

To the thread of what are speaking, gives the impressesion that so much the gastronomy like the Mediterranean diet every time earn greater leadership in the contest...

The Mediterranean diet always has been key to position to the sector agroalimentario Spanish in the world. We are lucky: we have a traditional gastronomic culture, very healthy, to base of a lot of accessible prime matter to all the world. This already is like this from the decade of the 60, when we begin it to spread out of our borders. Over time, to measure that increased the cultural level of the society also produced medical advances and prolonged the hope of life. This conjunction of factors has done of the Mediterranean Diet a leaf of route in the world of the feeding. The industry has loaned attention to the preferences and the interests of the consumer, by what has allocated a greater number of resources to nutrition and health. This is the main axis, to the that incorporate others like the suitability and ease of use of the products.

From Alimentary have the obligation to do us echo of these changes and consolidate our position like main diffusers of this gastronomic culture Spaniard to the market. And like this we have done it. The program includes conferences and forums where tackle thematic like the obesity, the sustainability, the social responsibility of the companies in the sector of the feeding, the importance of the water in the future of the humanity… all this integrate it in the concept ‘hub', an innovative element in the world ferial. By ‘hub' does reference to this space in which “they happen things”. In this edition, have a ‘hub' of the knowledge, and another gastronomic. In this last, have fit activities like the International Congress of gastronomy BCN Avant-garde, the Food Experience, Markets & Trends and the Taste & Flavours, between other gastronomic activities. What does fault is time to enjoy it…

The ‘food service' is one of the axles vertebradores of the manufacturers of feeding in the actuality, to compensate the effects of the white mark in his margins. Thus, this year we have expanded our investment in the gastronomic areas and of service to the catering

One of the gastronomic activities with more solera of Alimentary...
One of the gastronomic activities with more solera of Alimentary, the Taste & Flavours gathers in a same space the best products of the Mediterranean gastronomy: the oil, the wine and the Iberian. Photo: Fira of Barcelona.

In this edition bets , more than ever, by the internationalisation. In fact, it has increased 20% the budget of external promotion. This seems to give his fruit and foresees the assistance, for the first time, of display units of Thailand, Dubai and Sweden. Besides, countries like China bend his space of exhibition. What contributes this new profile of participation to a contest like Alimentary?

A fair only can consider international, if it gathers offer and demand also of out of the country. Even so, the main inducement for a foreign buyer that displaces to a fair like Alimentary – with an international influx of 35.000 visitors– is the exhibition of national products. It thinks that 2/3 of all the products that offer in the Big enclosure Via these days, are Spanish. And here it is our merit concerning other fairs like Anuga or SIAL, that carry us 25 years of advantage in the catchment of international public but that do not exhibit so much autochthonous offer.

In sum, east is a long way, but follow consolidating presence and international influx. In Alimentary 2012, have observed a lower participation of countries like Italy and France, but also the arrival of companies of new countries. For example, Uruguay, Turkey, Morocco repeats experience, Mexico will be the country invited… and of course now are dumped in the Asian countries, in attracting display units and visitors. Thailand, Singapore, China and Japan, that goes us to show a degustación of his products. The Japanese kitchen is very resembled the one of our country, regarding raw materials (meat, fish…).

“We incorporate the concept ‘hub', an innovative element in the world ferial. By ‘hub' does reference to this space in which “they happen things”. In this edition, have a ‘hub' of the knowledge, and another gastronomic”
In Alimentary give numerous contacts 'face to face' to granel, between display units and international buyers. Photo: Fira of Barcelona...
In Alimentary give numerous contacts 'face to face' to granel, between display units and international buyers. Photo: Fira of Barcelona.

And already to finish, and taking into account the characteristics of the sector agroalimentario of transversal –by his affectation on others– and anticíclico –more resistant to the changes– and in spite of the coyuntura current, the perspectives are good for this Alimentary 2012?

The expectations are good. It is true that if we trace us back to the year 2008, in which we reach our maximum tip of participation, have gone down 1/3 in metraje, although no in number of visitors. We can not obviar, because of the economic situation general, that exists a fault of liquidity in the companies, that have readjusted budgets –although this has affected less to Alimentary that to other contests– and that some companies can not assist although they wish it. These are some factors that influence in this descent, but there are others. Some international guidelines that force to a lower investment in fairs and a dramatic reduction of public budgets. This last affects a lot to the alimentary sector.

Even so, and in a stage cuajado of difficulties, have attained to keep the fair to international levels: a projection of visitors that is the planned and an answer, by part of the display units, the same to the one of the previous edition, two years backwards. We do not forget that we have the luck to operate in the sector agroalimentario, the only no deslocalizable, beside the tourism. This is basic, since it presents symptoms of stability. At the same time, it is a sector patrimonial of a lot of volume and little margin. When the things go well, does not enjoy of the margins of others; but when it is not like this, it does not suffer the desfases of others. It is exento “of bubbles”. We have hopes and bet strong by this sector. Only it has a weak point: it has not known treat well. It does lacking to sell it better and give him value added.

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