
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Medir la huella de carbono ya es posible en pequeñas y grandes bodegas
The Basque centre AZTI-Tecnalia creates a software that detects the causes of the broadcasts of GEI in the productive chain

Measure the footprint of carbon already is possible in small and big cellars

Editorial Interempresas17/02/2012

17 February 2012

From it does some time, the calculation of the footprint of carbon begins to be object of study by part of the industry of the wine. In this occasion, the technological centre AZTI-Tecnalia has developed a software that will allow to the companies bodegueras apply the technician of the Analysis of Cycle of Life (ACV) for the calculation of the footprint of carbon, of simple form, economic and rigorous. The project freamers inside the sectorial Plan of Footprint of Carbon. Both will present during the second fortnight of March in the headquarters of the Group of Laguardia, capital of the Rioja Alavesa.
The software of AZTI-Tecnalia makes possible the measurement of the footprint of carbon in the manufacturing of wine...
The software of AZTI-Tecnalia makes possible the measurement of the footprint of carbon in the manufacturing of wine, by part of any cellar are which went his dimensions. Photo: AZTI-Tecnalia.

Contribute to a climatic strategy oriented to the reduction of the gases of effect invernadero generated in cellars of the Basque Country and to the improvement of the reliability of the environingingmental communication of the alimentary products, is the aim of the sectorial Plan of Footprint of Carbon. A Plan developed by the Steering of Innovation and Alimentary Industries of the Department of Environingingment, Territorial Planning, Agriculture and Fishing of the Basque Government. In this frame, the technological centre AZTI-Tecnalia has designed a software that will allow to the companies bodegueras apply the technician of the Analysis of Cycle of Life (ACV) for the calculation of the footprint carbon of a simple and economic form, but at the same time rigorous and certificable. The sectorial plan and the tool will present in the second fortnight of March in the headquarters of the Group of Laguardia, capital of The Rioja Alavesa. To

Know and reduce the environingingmental impact of the products

The methodology of Analysis of Cycle of Life (ACV) considers one of the most advanced tools and effective to know and diminish the environingingmental impact of products and apply measures of ecodiseño. Although these measures suppose a support to the improvement of the competitiveness of the companies, to date his level of implementation has been limited, especially in the field of small and medium enterprises, since often it supposes a cost and time of dedication added, and requires besidescimientos Specific for his application.To

The software created by AZTI-Tecnalia pretends to surpass said obstacles and allows to the companies of the sector of the wine apply the technician of the analysis of cycle of life for the calculation of footprint of carbon of his products of a fast way, reliable and simple, surpassing the difficulties that prevent his utilisation between the small and medium enterprises.To

What contributes the calculation of the footprint of carbon?

The measurement of the footprint of carbon of a product can generate besides true profits for the companies, since it allows to identify the main sources and causes of broadcasts of gases of Effect Invernadero (GEI). This information is the base to define aims and political of reduction of broadcasts more effective, identify opportunities of saving of costs headed to improve the efficiency in the productive chain, as well as schedule strategies of marketing oriented to the differentiation of product that offer a greater value added to the same or the access to new segments of market more sensitised.

The measurement of the footprint of carbon makes possible to identify the causes of the broadcasts of GEI. Photo: AZTI-Tecnalia...
The measurement of the footprint of carbon makes possible to identify the causes of the broadcasts of GEI. Photo: AZTI-Tecnalia.

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