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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at The Food Mirror ofrecerá a la industria alimentaria las claves para adelantarse a las demandas de los consumidores

The first international community of observers in the alimentary field

The Food Mirror Will offer to the alimentary industry the keys to advance to the demands of the consumers

Editorial Interempresas30/10/2013

Azti-Tecnalia present his ambitious project for the investigation and study of the consumers and his alimentary tendencies. By means of The Food Mirror, the company looks for to consolidate the first international community of observers in the alimentary field. At present, the project already has 500 observers registered in his database, that contribute more than 350 images and videos of all the world.

Azti-Tecnalia presents the project on alimentary tendencies The Food Mirror
Azti-Tecnalia presents the project on alimentary tendencies The Food Mirror.

Azti-Tecnalia has presented the aims for 2014 of his project The Food Mirror with the aim to consolidate the first international community of observers in the alimentary field. The technological centre proposes define for the next year a selection of new alimentary tendencies, that detail the preferences of the consumers for a next future. Of this way, pretend to develop a group of new services focused to the study of the consumer, that will allow to the alimentary companies anticipate of fast and effective form to the demands of the consumers, and can create like this the foods of the future.

The on-line component will be crucial, since it will be the space for the interaction between the alimentary industry and the consumers, observers and researchers. To facilitate the work in the detection of alimentary tendencies, Azti-Tecnalia has foreseen to launch a mobile application for smartphones and tablets that will have like aim expand the community of observers and facilitate the visualisation and transmission of his discoveries.

The study of consumers and tendencies are the axis of the project...
The study of consumers and tendencies are the axis of the project, therefore it is foreseen the launching of an app mobile for the community of observers.

The project explains at present with more than 500 observers registered in his database, all they participants of the contest The Food Mirror Game, set up at the beginning of year with the aim to begin to build the first international community of observers of alimentary tendencies. These people contributed more than 350 images and pertinent videos of all the corners of the world.

A gastronomic week in Euskadi

The three winning people of the contest are the first members of the community of alimentary observers. Like this, Isabel Hormaeche Helena Vaello, and Beatriz Sánchez, have initiated a week of trip in which will have occasion to know the tourist offer tied to the enogastronomía of Euskadi thanks to the collaboration of the Basque Agency of Tourism –BasqueTour-. The experience can follow through the blog of and the social means.

The four winning women of the contest participated in the act of presentation of The Food Mirror
The four winning women of the contest participated in the act of presentation of The Food Mirror.

Business and social slope of the project

Azti-Tecnalia poses the project from a business and social point of view. On the one hand, has like purpose detect prematurely opportunities of business, niches of market and help to the internationalisation of the alimentary industry. And by another, marks a social aim, since the technological centre will participate, together with the consumers, in the development and promotion of the alimentary R&D.

The study of the consumer and the tendencies of consumption are the big axles of work of The Food Mirror, from here that his identification and study result so notable. Given his importance, Azti-Tecnalia began to work three years ago with methodologies like the coolhunting (hunting of tendencies) for the identification and the study of tendencies with impact in the alimentary field. The Food Mirror Allows to consolidate this line of investigation, since the observations received during the contest add to the work that develops in the Observatory of Tendencies and Innovation. The Food Mirror Will serve equally to analyse the evolution of the EATendencias previously identified and discover new tendencies, in addition to the innovations associated to the same.

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Centro Tecnológico Azti - Derio

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