FO91 - Futurenviro

Sistemas Urbanos de Drenaje Sostenible (SUDS) | Sustainable urban Drainage Systems (SuDS) | Junio-Julio June-July 2022 75 Los sistemas urbanos de drenaje sostenible (SUDS) se han hecho hueco en el contexto español desde un punto de vista técnico. Tras años intensos de trabajos demostrativos desde centros de investigación, empresas y administraciones, el papel de estas tecnologías en el ciclo urbano del agua es un hecho. No obstante, el acompañamiento normativo no evoluciona al mismo ritmo. Los Ayuntamientos, conscientes de esta necesidad, están dando pasos decididos al tiempo de la administración central trata de definir un marco normativo común en materia de drenaje urbano Contexto nacional Los sistemas urbanos de drenaje sostenible (SUDS) son un conjunto de tecnologías de drenaje urbano que tienen como objetivo restituir procesos hidrológicos mermados por el proceso de urbanización, integrando estratégicamente en el paisaje urbano soluciones basadas en la naturaleza para el control de escorrentías. Actualmente, el drenaje urbano está evolucionando hacia un modelo de gestión más sostenible en un contexto global donde las políticas verdes ganan protagonismo. En este grupo de tecnologías se enmarcan soluciones como las cubiertas vegetadas, parterres inundables, balsas de detención e infiltración, cunetas vegetadas, alcorques estructurales, pavimentos permeables, drenes filtrantes, zanjas y pozos de infiltración, depósitos reticulares, humedales artificiales y estanques. Los avances técnicos en materia de SUDS son patentes en los últimos años, especialmente en la última década, donde la consolidación lograda en otros países con mayor recorrido Sustainable urban drainage systems (SuDS) have consolidated their position in the Spanish scenario from a technical perspective. After years of intensive demonstration work by research centres, businesses and public authorities, the role of these technologies in the urban water cycle is undeniable. However, regulatory support is not evolving at the same pace. Local councils, aware of this need, are taking decisive steps, while the central state administration is trying to define a common regulatory framework for urban drainage. National context in Spain Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SuDS) comprise a number of urban drainage technologies whose goal is to restore hydrological processes depleted by the urbanisation process through the strategic integration of nature-based solutions for runoff control into the urban landscape. Urban drainage is currently evolving towards a more sustainable management model in a global scenario in which green policies are gaining ground. This group of technologies includes solutions such as vegetated roofs, floodable flowerbeds, detention and infiltration basins, vegetated ditches, structural tree pits, permeable paving, filter drains, infiltration trenches and wells, rainwater tanks, constructed wetlands and ponds. There have been evident technical breakthroughs in SuDS in recent years, particularly in the last decade, where the consolidation achieved in other countries with more experience in these technologies has been adapted and incorporated into the different hydrological and urban contexts in Spain. Regulation of urban drainage in the Spanish national legislative context is complex and, at present, still incomplete. A regulatory framework with what would seem to be ambitious intentions is being developed under the general guidelines of European legislation (directives such as the wastewater directive 91/271/EC, currently under revision, the water framework directive 2000/60/ EC, and other sectoral directives such as those on bathing water 2006/7/EC and groundwater 2006/118/EC) but progress is slow and decoupled from technological advances. Royal Decree 1/2016 and, above all, the amendment to the Public Water Domain Regulations introduced in Royal Decree 638/2016 (article 126 ter. 7) were a turning point in terms of the state regulatory framework for sustainable urban drainage. These decrees provide for the mandatory implementation of SUDS in certain urban development cases and establish, in broad terms, the spirit that should underpin the criteria for the hydrological design of these systems: “new housing developments, industrial estates and TRANSICIÓN NORMATIVA EN MATERIA DE SISTEMAS URBANOS DE DRENAJE SOSTENIBLE LEGISLATIVE TRANSITION IN SUSTAINABLE URBAN DRAINAGE SYSTEMS Depósito reticular de infiltración en el Parc Central (València). Fase en obras (arriba) y aspecto final integrado en el diseño del parque (abajo). Rainwater infiltration tank in the Parc Central (Valencia). Construction site (above) and final integration into park design (below).