FO79 - FuturEnviro | Abril-Mayo April-May 2021 55 Gestión y tratamiento de agua | Water management and treatment En este apartado se detallará y comprenderá cómo afectan los trabajos de medición realizados en Nannyville y Seaview Gardens al volumen facturado, al volumen de entrada al sistema y al ANR Se eligió Nannyville como una de las DMA piloto porque esta comunidad tiene una infraestructura existente y la medición sería más fácil de facilitar. Resultado La mejora de los registros de clientes tras la medición es notable. Los clientes no registrados y las cuentas inactivas se redujeron del 19% al 6%, mientras que las cuentas activas aumentaron del 82% al 94%. Las cuentas con contador, por su parte, aumentaron del 13% al 92%. Estos resultados se lograron tras instalar 380 contadores, cambiar 40 contadores defectuosos y colocar 150 m de tuberías de distribución. Upon completion or near completion of metering activities in a community, school visits are arranged to educate the students in conserving water. Brochures on tips to conserve water are distributed to the kids to share to their parents. Metering in Two Selected Pilot SCA’s Nannyville and Seaview Gardens were selected as pilot areas to carry out metering and to understand how the residents will respond to the activity. These two areas were selected because of the concentration of unmetered and inactive accounts, which on average could represent the other SCA’s communities. This section will give details and understanding as to how the metering works done in Nannyville and Seaview Gardens affect the Billed Volume, System Input Volume and NRW. Nannyville was chosen as one of the pilot DMAs because this community has existing infrastructure and metering would be easier to facilitate. Result The improvement in customer records after metering is remarkable. Unregistered customers and inactive accounts were reduced from 19% to 6% while active accounts increased from 82% to 94%. Metered accounts on the other hand, increased from 13% to 92%. These results were achieved after installing 380 meters, changing 40 defective meters and laying 150m of distribution pipes. Metering Installation started in December 2018 and completed in April 2019. SIV decreased as the number of meters increased. It has been found that this decrease in flow is due to customers Tabla 1. Resultado de los datos de los clientes antes y después de la medición Table 1. Result in customer data before and after metering Estado | Status Antes | Before Hasta la fecha | To date Recuento Recuento Count % Count % Activo | Active 149 70% 210 98% Medido | Metered - 0% 210 98% No medido | Unmetered 149 70% - 0% Inactivo | Inactive 8 4% 4 2% Conexiones ilegales Illegal Connections 57 27% - 0% No registrada Unregistered - 0% - 0% TOTAL 214 100% 214 100%