www.futurenviro.es | Febrero-Marzo February-March 2021 83 Riego | Irrigation el caudal de agua filtrada y medida, necesario para el buen funcionamiento del riego por goteo que se instalará en cada una de ellas. La instalación partirá en cada Sector de un embalse de regulación, que en el Sector 2 ha sido motivo de proyecto aparte, y realizado y financiado por la mencionada Consejería, que se abastecerá desde las correspondientes tomas automatizadas del Canal del TTS. Su ámbito se sitúa íntegramente en el término municipal de Librilla (Murcia). El riego antes de la ejecución de las obras era por inundación en un 45% de la superficie regable y se organizaba a partir de cinco tomas sobre el Canal del TTS. El agua vertía a unos canales que, variando de sección, constituían una red de acequias que llevaban el agua hasta cada una de las parcelas. El otro 55% tienen instalados riegos de alta frecuencia, con punto de partida en un embalse particular, donde recogían el agua correspondiente a cada turno de riego. Objeto de la obra El objeto de la obra pasa por optimizar el uso de los recursos actualmente disponibles, incrementar la capacidad de regulación estacional, optimizar las infraestructuras de abastecimiento de agua y energía, con objeto de reducir los costes de impulsión, asegurar el area of 879.5 ha, divided into a pump-driven irrigation zone of 219.3 ha, with 371 plots served by 41 hydrants and a gravity-fed irrigation zone of 660.1789 ha, with 868 plots and 98 hydrants. The works required for regulation of water volumes are the subject of another project. The works were carried out at the request of the Trasvase Tajo-Segura de Librilla Irrigation Community (Murcia). The project design was carried out by Water Technologies, Moval Agroingeniería was responsible for site management and safety coordination, and the works were executed by Padelsa Infraestructuras. The works began in 2018 and were scheduled for completion in 2020. Objective of the project Persistent water shortages in the south-east of Spain and the inefficiency of the existing irrigation system led the Irrigation Community to ratify the replacement of the network of irrigation ditches with a pressurised, underground network made up of pipes of different materials, diameters and sizes, capable of supplying each farm with the flow of filtered and metered water necessary for the proper functioning of the drip irrigation system to be installed on each farm. The network for each sector begins at a regulating reservoir, which in Sector 2 was the subject of a separate project, carried out and financed by the Regional Ministry. This reservoir is supplied by means of automated intakes from the Tagus-Segura Water Transfer Canal. The entire network is located within the municipality of Librilla (Murcia). Before the works were carried out, 45% of the irrigable area was irrigated by means of furrow irrigation served by five intakes on the Tagus-Segura Water Transfer Canal. The water flowed into canals of varying cross section, which formed a network of irrigation ditches that carried the water to each of the plots. The remaining 55% was irrigated by means of high-frequency systems, which drew the water associated with each irrigation shift from a private reservoir. Objective of the works The works executed seek to optimise the use of currently available resources, increase seasonal regulation capacity, optimise water and energy supply infrastructures in order Zona regable de la Comunidad de Regantes del Trasvase Tajo-Segura de Librilla. Sector 2. | Irrigable area of the Trasvase Tajo-Segura de Librilla Irrigation Community. Sector 2. Instalación de tuberías TOM® de PVC-O en el proyecto de modernización de la zona regable de la Comunidad de Regantes del Trasvase Tajo-Segura de Librilla. Installation of TOM® PVC-O pipes in the project to modernise irrigation in the Trasvase Tajo-Segura de Librilla Irrigation Community. Instalación de tuberías TOM® de PVC-O y piezas especiales en el proyecto de modernización de la zona regable de la Comunidad de Regantes del Trasvase Tajo-Segura de Librilla. | Installation of TOM® PVC-O pipes and special fittings in the project to modernise irrigation in the Trasvase Tajo-Segura de Librilla Irrigation Community.