FO75 - FuturEnviro

asegurarse desde la Administración. El apoyo de la iniciativa privada es fundamental. Mediante la participación de las empresas, se consigue canalizar la aportación de la sociedad a las necesidades del país. • La colaboración público-privada no es privatización, mensaje que a veces no llega de la forma adecuada al conjunto de la ciudadanía. Hay que recalcar aún más que los servicios públicos, lo siguen siendo, independientemente de cómo sea su forma de gestión. Lo importante es que la titularidad es y será pública, independientemente del tipo de gestión elegida. A todo esto, hay que sumar las nuevas directivas europeas en lo referente al agua que están por venir. También el desafío que supone en España el desequilibrio poblacional con zonas prácticamente deshabitadas y, en oposición, grandes concentraciones de habitantes en determinadas capitales y en las costas. Es aquí donde el agua urbana, puede acentuar su papel de vertebrador territorial como servicio básico y público, siendo también un generador de empleo rural. En resumen, en este momento hay que aprovechar los fondos europeos y el músculo financiero empresarial, así como su capacidad de innovación (digitalización, sensorización, binomio agua-energía, descarbonización, telecontrol, etc.). El sector del agua urbana ha de actuar como palanca, tanto sanitaria como económica, de acuerdo con su propia naturaleza y las políticas ambientales marcadas por los distintos departamentos ministeriales. 2021 va a ser un año complicado en que, una vez más, el agua urbana seguirá prestando un servicio ejemplar para seguir cumpliendo con su cometido principal, siendo además un refugio de empleo estable y comprometido con el medio ambiente. En este 2021, el conjunto de empresas públicas, mixtas y privadas del sector, seguiremos al servicio del país. *La Asociación Española de Empresas Gestoras de los Servicios de Agua Urbana (AGA) está formada por las principales empresas públicas, mixtas y privadas, que prestan servicio de abastecimiento y saneamiento a más del 70% del territorio del país. And the third question is the degree of importance given to public-private partnership. Clearly, specific European recovery funds have to be combined with the funds provided by each country in order to create a multiplier effect for investment in combination with private capital. It is absolutely necessary to seek new forms of financing.We in the sector support public-public investment, but we are also committed to public-private investment. It is a matter of common sense. It is not possible to attend to all essential public services without the support of companies, regardless of their nature (public, mixed or private). Having reached this point, it is important to highlight two relevant ideas: • Public authorities as a whole cannot be envisaged without the collaboration of companies. Public resources alone are insufficient to carry out all the work that must be ensured by the authorities. Channelling the contribution of society to the needs of the country is achieved through the participation of companies. • Public-private partnership is not privatisation and this message is sometimes not adequately transmitted to citizens. It must be emphasised to an even greater degree that public services continue to be public services, irrespective of the model implemented for their management. It is important to understand that the ownership of these services is and will be public, regardless of the type of management model chosen. To all this, we must add the forthcoming new European Directives governing water, and the challenge posed by populational imbalance in Spain, with areas that are practically uninhabited contrasting with large population concentrations in some cities and on the coasts. It is here that urban water can underline its role as a territorial vertebral axis, as a basic, public service and a creator of rural employment. In summary, at this time it is necessary to avail of the European funds as well as the financial muscle of businesses and their capacity for innovation (digitisation, sensor systems, the water-energy nexus, decarbonisation, remote control, etc.). The urban water sector must act as a driver of both health and the economy, in accordance with its very nature and the environmental policies set out by the different ministerial departments. 2021 is going to be a complicated year in which, once again, the urban water sector will continue to provide an exemplary service in order to fulfil its main mission, in addition to being a refuge for the provision of stable, environmentallycommitted employment. In this year of 2021, all the public, mixed and private companies in the sector will continue to be at the service of the country. * The Spanish Association of UrbanWater Sector Management Companies (AGA) Is made up of the main public, mixed and private companies. AGA members provide supply and sanitation services to over 70% of Spain. It is not possible to attend to all essential public services without the support of companies Potabilizadora de Pinilla. Fuente: CYII Pinilla DWTP. Source: CYII A fondo: Análisis 2020 | In depth: Analysis of 2020 FuturEnviro | Noviembre/Diciembre November/December 2020 73