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“The companies trust we like tool of support to the sector and this is ours better letter of presentation”

Interview to Alberto López, director of FIGAN

David Pozo28/02/2013
They are already 11 the editions that the enclosure of Fair of Saragossa receives to which has turned into appointment of reference for the sector grazier of our country. Although they exist tens of local fairs delivered along the Spanish geography, the living room of the Aragonese capital agglutinates each two years all the novelties of one of the sectors of reference of our country. Good fault of the excellent received that has each new edition of Fima Grazier has it Alberto López, that in spite of the economic difficulties, sees in this setback a revulsivo to treat to find mechanisms and proposals that help to the sector to encarar the future with greater guarantees.
Alberto López, director of FIGAN 2013
Alberto López, director of FIGAN 2013.

FIGAN Is the appointment of reference of the sector Spanish and south grazier of Europe. With which novelties finds the visitor in this new edition?

FIGAN, the International Fair for the Animal Production, celebrates this year his eleventh edition. With this announcement, the contest gives sample of his capacity to attract to the sector grazier in Spain and in Europe with a highly professional appointment. Between the novelties can stand out those that present the companies participants, that offer a vision of future of the market agropecuario international. This announcement has the presence of the big signatures of the market that do not leave to happen the opportunity to be in the greater forum of which celebrate in Spain and one of the biggest of Europe.

FIGAN Characterises by a real and harmonious fusion of the zone expositiva —linked with the technology and the innovation, with leading products and new projects— and the area of alive animals, with the presence of livestocks and a good number of heads. Besides, erige like the best platform for the professional debate.

It has consolidated the number and the quality of the display units?

In the last edition, that celebrated in 2011, FIGAN gathered to a total of 833 signatures expositoras, in which it designated the living room of the big figures. More than 76.500 square metres and six pavilions served to exhibit a wide fan of the present and the future of the industry agropecuaria international and had the visit of more than 60.000 professionals. For this year, we have worked acutely to be able to repeat the big result that obtained in 2011. We have the presence and the implication of the main companies that are world-wide leaders, by what the quality expositiva is more than guaranteeed.

In spite of the difficult moments by which crosses the world-wide economy and of which are not extraneous in the primary sector, the segment of the animal production gives appointment, mostly, in the pavilions 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 of Fair of Saragossa. Like this, the edition of 2013 has figures that situate in parameters very similar to the of the previous announcement, that was all a success.

In this sense, would like me stand out the quality and the volume of days, presentations, meetings and assemblies that develop in the frame of FIGAN 2013. This is, definitely, a very important data that gives sample of the so notable paper that has purchased the living room for the professionals, the companies and, of course, for the associations.

The same that with other fairs agroalimentarias of the house, his team has commissioned to promote FIGAN during the last months in multiple appointments around the Spanish geography and also European. What resulted have obtained?

The promotional and commercial work has deepened in the last months, but treats of a work that does not cease never. Before it have finalised a contest already have put the look in the following edition. We treat to analyse all that in what we can be more competitive and offer a better product to the sector. In this sense, explain, as it is our case, with the support of the companies, of the institutions and of the associations graziers is, without place to doubts, the key to be able to have greater guarantees of success.

Beside this, and like one of the basic pillars to position to our living rooms in the international leadership, llevar an intense task, that focaliza in the foreign market, without losing of sight the national plane. All this has seen materialised in the visit, promotion and participation of our living room in the big European appointments, as well as the participation of FIGAN in the forums referents of his sector.

Between other measures tackled to spread our contest, have to underline the signature of agreements with the main sectorial associations, in addition to having a narrow collaboration between the business and sectorial associations and Fair of Saragossa. Along the two years that pass between an edition and another treat to be presents in the main forums. This is an element that differentiates us of other organisations feriales and that contributes greater value to our appointment.


Which extraordinary efforts have had to realise from the steering so that this edition did not see mermada in number of display units and visitors?

From the steering of FIGAN have worked acutely to achieve that the eleventh edition of the living room turn into a key factor for the sector, that has the appointment of Fair of Saragossa like one of the most notable shop windows in the international plane. Our aim, once again, is to achieve that this important fair serve to contribute solutions and new mechanisms that contribute to improve the activity pecuaria.

Obviously, in the last months have intensified the work to obtain the big results of past editions. It is necessary to add that the reputation and path of FIGAN do us easier ours work. The living room is situated between the best sectorial forums to international level, by what the commercialisation, although it is constant and trabajosa, is agile and very dynamic. The companies trust we like tool of support to the sector and this is ours better letter of presentation.

“If there is a note that characterise to FIGAN this is the one to constitute like the greater centre of debate and discussion of the sector”

FIGAN Is also an only opportunity to know the last in investigation for the sector grazier, from the genetics to the veterinary sector. Which subjects stand out in the technical days of this edition?

If there is a note that characterise to FIGAN this is the one to constitute like the greater centre of debate and discussion of the sector. In this announcement have closed more than fifty acts, days, conferences, assemblies and meetings in which they participate national experts and foreigners.

Between the main subjects that tackle , of the 19 to 22 March, stands out the session organised by Anaporc and Anprogapor, on animal welfare and environingingment. Likewise, between the subjects that will mark the diary in the conferences of FIGAN stands out the genomic selection, the centres of collected of genetic material and artificial insemination, the new technologies applied to the formulation of piensos and to the animal production or the control ecográfico in beef lechero.

Also subjects like the quality of the water in a farm or the salmonella will be subjects that will form part of the debate. Beside these, there is programmed an intense program of assemblies and meetings in which they will participate companies and associations of the sector grazier.


The sector grazier has been precisely of which more has suffered the crisis in these last years, had to largely to an increase of the price of the raw materials and to an adjust even greater of the prices paid to the producer. Of which form has affected to the manufacturers of equipment for livestock?

The sector of the livestock has been, undoubtedly, one of the big segments that has seen how his economy and fortress has lost weight in the last years. However, this setback has supposed a revulsivo to treat to find mechanisms and proposals that help them to encarar the future with greater guarantees.

Treats of a sector that characterises by the change and by his capacity not to bend and face up to difficult situations. In the last years, the segment grazier has been conscious of the importance to enter new processes and a tecnificación higher to attain a greater profitability in the final product. Thus, in the last decade, the market agropecuario has starred a remarkable increase regarding his bet by the R&D that has affected, of positive way, to all the relative to the equipment and the processes. In definite, the sector evolves to steps enlarged.

“We are in a moment complicated in which the backrest goes joined to economic games and helps that no always arrive in time and form”

Each politician that goes through FIGAN incide in the need to support firmly the primary sector like bet of future. It notices you this backrest from the institutions?

The backrest to the primary sector is total, so much from the business sector as of the institutional. We are in a moment complicated in which the backrest goes joined to economic games and helps that no always arrive in time and form. However, what have observed in meetings and contacts with the sector, is that the Spanish institutions consider ‘basic' the sector agropecuario in Spain and, thus, contribute all type of mechanisms and tools that serve for the development of the market.

In our case, the relation with the institutions no only is usual, but by his vicinity, have the total backrest of the Administration. For putting an example, FIGAN 2013 has renewed his paper of international living room, that distinguishes the ministry of Spanish Industry, and that serves of guarantee of face to the outside. The living room improves the connection between the institutions with the companies and the workers pecuarios. We are the best bond of union between them and our living room contributes to approach postures that serve to look for formulas that improve the conditions of the system grazier.

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