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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Entrevista a Màrius Massallé, concejal de Medio Ambiente y Sostenibilidad del Ayuntamiento de Terrassa
"The public administration must act as a benchmark in the implementation of renewable energy sources"

Interview with Marius Massallé, Councillor for the environment and sustainability of the City Council of Terrassa

LAIA Banús21/01/2011

on January 21, 2011

Since 1998, the City Council of Terrassa (Barcelona) install renewable energy systems in buildings and municipal facilities. After the thermal solar energy for hot water was introduced the photovoltaic to produce electricity. The last bet of the consistory, your "bet Star" as us reveals the person in charge of Medi Ambient i resources, Màrius Massallé in this interview, has been the installation of several biomass boilers, which has earned them the prize 'Promotes bioenergy'awarded by Avebiom during the last edition of the 5th International Congress of bioenergy and Expobioenergía fair, held in Valladolid.
Màrius Massallé poses with the prize awarded by Avebiom. For him, the time has backed its bid by biomass: &quote;Has proven to be a winning bet&quote;...
Màrius Massallé poses with the prize awarded by Avebiom. For him, the time has backed its bid by biomass: "Has proven to be a winning bet".

What does to the City Council of Terrassa the granting of this award?

This award represents above all the satisfaction by the recognition for a career, which now already we could define as long, strongly committed to renewable energy in our municipality. And that is granted by one of our star, such as biomass, is still even more satisfactory, as it once was a road started almost solo by our Corporation and for some it could be seen as something 'exotic'. The time has endorsed this decision and has proven to be a winning bet.

Avebiom rated the trajectory of the Town Hall as a pioneer in the promotion and implementation of biomass boilers. What led him to bet on this renewable energy?

The City Council of Terrassa bet not only renewables but the diversification of these. The greater the diversification of the origin of renewables, the greater security of supply. In principle is it opted for solar thermal and subsequently by the photovoltaic. The biomass was therefore a logical step in the bid for the diversification of renewable energy sources.

What values I would highlight the use of biomass?

An emphasis on biomass is an 'easy-to-sell' action. It is an energy of origin local and therefore not dependent on political and social vicissitudes of exporting countries. It impacts positively on climate change, since greenhouse gas balance is zero. It represents a significant improvement in forest management and significantly reduces the risk of forest fire. It is a great opportunity to generate net local employment. In addition, the type of work, and that this is done in open spaces, makes it especially suitable for people at risk of social exclusion.

"The greater the diversification of renewable energy sources, greater is the security of supply"

It currently has ten boilers installed in educational institutions and the Centre d'Informació environmental of Can Bonvilar. What approximate investment meant these facilities?

The investment is usually high when compared with the investment made in more conventional energies. This is due mainly to the need to install silos to contain the biomass, which increases the costs in civil works. The total investment in ten facilities currently available is approximately 1,300,000 euros.

Boiler installed in the Salvador Vinyals School of the municipality
Boiler installed in the Salvador Vinyals School of the municipality.

Do you have scheduled install more biomass boilers in municipal buildings?

The strategy of the City Council of Terrassa concerning the mitigation of climate change, to increase the number of biomass boilers is one of the planned actions, is reflected in the Pla d'Acció d' sustainable Energies of Terrassa (PAES), which indicates that the number total biomass boilers installed by the year 2020 will be 16.

"Biomass is local and does not depend on the political ups and downs of the exporting countries"

In addition to biomass, why other renewable energy gamble the City Council of Terrassa to its facilities?

As mentioned previously, renewable energy sources by which the City Council of Terrassa opted initially are the solar thermal and photovoltaic solar. Terrassa produced its first thermal solar Ordinance in 2002, making it one of the Spanish cities pioneer in boost and normatively regulated this energy source. After the adoption of the Ordinance, and in a period of five years, he spent of 1,800 square metres of solar panels installed at more than 16,000. In regards to solar photovoltaic, Terrassa has 10 such facilities in buildings and municipal facilities, with a capacity of 66 kW/h. We are currently in the process of study of the potential energy that can provide the units minieólicas (small windmills to install in urban land), and despite the current economic situation we are trying to start this way with the sponsorship of companies of the sector and the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC), with campus in Terrassa.

Do you think that the Administration must set an example to his fellow citizens with these initiatives?

Public administration and especially Local, must act as a guide and reference in the application, not only of renewable energy sources, but all kinds of policies involving an increase in savings and energy efficiency.

However, its success cannot depend on exclusively consumption by public administrations. It is the private sector which has to take the appropriate steps to universalize its use and make them really competitive against fossil energies.

Tell us about the ' Pla pilot of the dinamització of l 'ecotecnologia local' (pilot of the revitalization of the local econtecnología)

Already for some time that the city of Terrassa promotes a plan for the promotion of local innovation. In doing so established a series of clusters of ecotechnology involving some of the major institutions and companies in Terrassa, with the support of other supra entities such as the Government through the Department of ACC1Ó or the Consell Comarcal del Vallès. One of these clusters, led by the service de Medi Ambient of the Ayntamiento of Terrassa, through its Local Agency for energy and climate change, and which includes among others the Terrassa Chamber, UPC, Leitat and a group of leading private companies in environmental issuesIt is precisely dedicated to the promotion of the use of the forest mass available in the region.

Actions such as these, the Ministry of science and innovation has just granted the distinction of 'City of science and innovation' to Terrassa.

Finally, the City Council is carrying out a study to analyse the possibility of incorporating private capital in new biomass facilities. Can you forward us any conclusion from this study? There are some private entities interested in such an investment?

Currently in phase of contracting of the external entity that will undertake the study, funded entirely by the Diputació de Barcelona, and is expected that started during this month of January, so it obviously still we cannot make any assessment. What if it is true is that there are several companies interested in studying the project, which would possibly develop in contract type ESCO (Energy Service Companies).

It's companies to finance projects of energy efficiency, cogeneration or use of renewable energies (solar, wind, biomass, etc.) in order to reduce operating costs and maintenance. They normally take the technical and economic risks associated with the project and charge a monthly fee for their services.

Biomass boilers installed in the public utilities of Terrassa used forest mass available in the region (Vallès Occidental) and remains of the timber...
Biomass boilers installed in the public utilities of Terrassa used forest mass available in the region (Vallès Occidental) and remains of the timber industry.

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