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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Ventanas de PVC: garantes de ahorro energético y atenuación acústica
Solutions with a high potential of growth when allowing fulfil widely the exigencias of the new Technical Code of Edificación

PVC windows: garantes of energetic saving and acoustic mitigation

Asoven PVC18/05/2012

18 May 2012

Asoven PVC, the association of windows of PVC in Spain, participated with a stand in the last edition of the fair Veteco, in his aim of promotion and communication of the activity that develops this industry and with the intention to follow contributing to the dinamización of the sector of enclosures in our country. Taking advantage of his presence in this contest, the association made public an interesting study of market in which it reflects the current situation of the window of PVC and the forecasts of growth for the future.

Inside the sector of the carpentry of PVC exist 700 companies in Spain that manufacture windows and enclosures of PVC, that suppose 19.000 people involved. Regarding the companies that manufacture and transform the prime matter exist 1.750 companies, that suppose 38.000 places of direct work and 122.000 places of indirect works or induced. At present it works the national market inside the Iberian Peninsula and increasingly improves the internacionaliza the sector.

The carpentry of PVC treats , according to the experts, of a key material to fulfil with the exigencias of the Protocol of Kioto...
The carpentry of PVC treats , according to the experts, of a key material to fulfil with the exigencias of the Protocol of Kioto.

Quota of participation of the carpentry of PVC

The general market of the windows has reduced considerably of 10.980.000 units in the year 2006 to 2.500.000 units in the year 2011. In spite of these so negative figures, to the closing of the 2011, the carpentry of PVC found in a quota of participation of 33,7%, with 841.000 units of PVC manufactured in the 2011.

The European average is of 54%, by what does of our future something very promising, with big perspectives to approach us to this so important figure. The quota of the aluminium is of 58,20%, the one of the wood, of 8,0% and others, of 4,90%.

The PVC is the most used product for the manufacture of windows in the main countries of Europe, being the percentages of carpentry of PVC the following: Germany (60%), France (60%), England (59,30%), Austria, Switzerland and Italy (29,50%), Poland and Slovenia (39,20%) and Russia (43,60%). In EE UU, the percentage of windows of PVC is of 50%.

From does but of 50 years this carpentry has been in a constant growth with excellent results, and his quality is avalada by the satisfaction of million users.

In Spain expects a growth of the demand like answer to the new exigencias of the CTE (Technical Code of the Edificación), that will approach us to the figures consolidated in Europe. The carpentry of PVC can place in 100% of the national territory fulfilling widely the exigencias of isolation demanded by the CTE. It expects also an increase of the market of the rehabilitation.

To the closing of the 2011, the carpentry of PVC found in a quota of participation of 33,7% in Spain, with 841.000 units of PVC manufactured during the past year

Singularity in Spain

Spain collects a singularity concerning the typologies of windows of the rest of Europe and is that here the windows incorporate the persiana in the conception of the closing and increasingly increases the use of the monoblock.

In Spain, the market trend along the next years is of light to moderate constant growth, approaching to a more notable participation and in accordance with the rest of Europe.

In Spain expects a growth of the demand of carpentry of PVC like answer to the new exigencias of the CTE
In Spain expects a growth of the demand of carpentry of PVC like answer to the new exigencias of the CTE.

The new Technical Code of the edificación, CTE, will contribute still more to elevate the qualities demanded in the construction in Spain and this requirement goes to be fundamental for the development of the market and growth of the window of PVC, which answers widely to the exigencias of the new Technical Code regarding the requirements of the energetic saving and acoustic mitigation.

As it gives off of a study realised by the Polytechnical university of Catalonia, realised by the department of projects of engineering through the laboratory of Environingingmental Modelling, the carpentry of PVC treats , according to the experts, of a key material to fulfil with the exigencias of the Protocol of Kioto, of the forcing of the reduction of CO2 to the atmosphere. The use and installation of the carpentry of PVC in the homes, contributes an upper energetic saving in 45% to the aluminium and in 15% to the wood. The installation of windows of PVC reduces the energetic consumption in the homes. Besides, the windows of PVC reduce the broadcasts of CO2 to the atmosphere in 161% regarding the aluminium windows and in 52% regarding the wooden windows.

The marked CE, of forced fulfillment, fulfil it all the partners of Asoven PVC, by what places us in a perfect position to give an answer to the needs and exigencias of provision of the market.

Data of the sector of construction in Spain

The sector of the closing in Spain is a faithful reflection of the economic situation of the sector of the construction in Spain. It has suffered a decreasing that has seen reduced to historical minima. Together with the accumulation of flats built without selling, 800.000 to finals of the 2011, the impairment of the financials and closing of the loans to the consumer and promoter, give us a panorama little alentador. Asoven Bets for improving the rehabilitation since they exist 4,5 million susceptible houses to be rehabilitated. The Plans Renove for windows of the autonomous communities, are allowing his energetic renewal to brake the broadcast of gases effect invernadero and a more sustainable adaptation and respectful with the environingingment. The current Plans Renove of replacement of the carpentries have given a new impulse, very important, dinamizando the sector of the carpentry of PVC because it fulfils the whole of the exigencias and provision required by the Plans Renove of carpentry in all Spain. Practically the carpentry of PVC is placing in 40% of the plans Renove, like average in all Spain, although in the zone north reaches figures of 60%.

The last Plans Renove have given a new impulse very important to the sector of the carpentry of PVC
The last Plans Renove have given a new impulse very important to the sector of the carpentry of PVC.
The windows of PVC reduce the broadcasts of CO2 to the atmosphere in 161% regarding the ones of aluminium and in 52% regarding the ones of wood

The crisis goes to produce changes in the economic models of our industry, and in our sector of the enclosures of PVC are focused to the customer, improving the quality and the environingingmental and energetic efficiency. We are convinced that it will surpass this crisis contributing big business and financial doses, with diversification and internationalisation.

The bet to work in the roads of the internationalisation and the diversification are giving a new approach to the sector of the closing, with profesionalización, and always in the road of the quality and the innovation.

The carpentry of PVC gathers the exigencias of quality demanded by the final consumer:

- Scarce maintenance.

- The windows of PVC have a long useful life, keeping in mint condition of use.

- High thermal sensors and acoustic provision. Energetic saving.

- Balance between price and saving.

- The windows of PVC fulfil with the exigencias of the new normative.

- Respectful windows with the environingingment, sustainability.

Related Companies or Entities

Asociación de Ventanas de PVC

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