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Free publications for the calculation of walls of load of brick or termoarcilla

Editorial Interempresas14/02/2014

To facilitate to the prescriptor the calculation of structures with walls of load of brick or ceramic block, Hispalyt and the Consortium Termoarcilla have promoted the development of several free publications based in the CTE, in his section DB--F. Besides, they have developed the CMT+L that it is a free software elaborated by Arktec, that allows the calculation of different typologies of walls of brick and blocks Termoarcilla (walls without arming or armed, with armour of tendel and of lintels, and walls confined with beams and pillars of concrete), realizar the calculation of efforts by means of finite elements. All this according to the requirements demanded by the CTE in his section DB--F. All these publications and software can download in the web pages of Hispalyt and of the Consortium Termoarcilla.

Hispalyt And the Consortium Termoarcilla, Spanish Associations of Manufacturers of Bricks and Blocks Termoarcilla, have developed different publications and free tools to facilitate the work of the prescriptor in the task of the calculation of walls of load of bricks and ceramic blocks. These publications are the following:

  1. Application of the CTE DB -F to a structure with walls of load of brick
  2. Application of the CTE DB -F to a structure with walls of load of Termoarcilla
  3. mechanical Behaviour of the factories of ceramic brick Silensis

The bricks drilled and the block Termoarcilla allow the construction of the structure of houses with walls of load, following the models of calculation of the current rule, Basic Document of Structural hygiene of Factory of the Technical Code of the Edificación (DB -F of the CTE).

Besides, the construction of the structure of a house with walls of load of brick or ceramic block can result very advantageous, especially in the case of edificaciones in horizontal, as semi-detached, chalets or buildings of little height, by the considerable saving that produces when avoiding another type of structures of concrete or of steel.

Publications of calculation of structures with walls of load of brick and ceramic block

In concrete, these Associations have of the following free publications of help to the prescriptor, for the case to realizar the calculations of walls of manual way:

Application of the Technical Code of the Edificación DB -F to a structure with walls of load of brick

Application of the Technical Code of the Edificación DB -F to a structure with walls of load of brick.

Application of the Technical Code of the Edificación DB -F to a structure with walls of load of block Termoarcilla...

Application of the Technical Code of the Edificación DB -F to a structure with walls of load of block Termoarcilla.

These publications have by object the development detailed of the processes to be followed to verify the fulfillment of the resistant conditions and of stability of a conventional building projected with walls of load or closing of brick or block Termoarcilla.

These publications can download in the web page of Hispalyt, in the following link:

The procedure used bases in the content of the Technical Code of the Edificación, respecting in particular, the prescriptions, models and parameters established in the following Basic Documents of the CTE:

- DB Structural hygiene

- DB -AE Structural hygiene: Actions in the Edificación

- DB -F Structural hygiene: Factories

For this aim, in the previous publications takes like example a simple building regarding the geometry refers , that nevertheless has a considerable number of different situations that affect to the dimensionado of the walls, what allows to expose the procedures and strategies to be followed in each case.

In these publications present basic procedures for the dimensionado of the elements to global level of structure and the necessary routines to verify the requirements of resistance and stability demanded by the rule for each type of wall, using as only resource the manual calculation.

Publication on the mechanical behaviour of the inner vertical partitions Silensis of brick and ceramic block

Hispalyt Has developed the publication with the title 'mechanical Behaviour of the factories of ceramic brick Silensis', that analyses the three fundamental appearances related with the basic requirement of 'Structural hygiene' exigible to any constructive element: the stability, the resistance and the fisuración, for the case of septums and walls of separation with bricks and ceramic blocks.



Like result of the analysis of the mechanical behaviour of the different solutions, present some tables of dimensionado in which it determines the maximum length (distance between vertical edges arriostrados) viable for the septums and leaves of vertical partitions with bricks and ceramic blocks, in function of the conditions of sustenance of the edges, of the free height of the septum, and of the magnitude of the lateral action that has to be able to bear the factory, which depends to his time of the use of the enclosure.

This publication can download in the web page of Silensis, in the following link:

The scope of the study is very general, when applying to buildings of any use, from the buildings of house, to which corresponds them a lateral action of moderate value, until public buildings and sportive buildings, with values of lateral action higher.

In each case analysed stands out the type of septum and leaf of vertical partition with bricks and ceramic blocks, more adapted for the rank of heights of flat and the use of the building. Of the results of this study can deduce that the ceramic septums fulfil generally the requirements of the rule, that only supposes a significant restriction in the case of septums of very small thickness, when being the most sensitive in front of the horizontal actions.

In the case of the inner septums, no exposed to the action of wind, the proof of stability that imposes the Technical Code is a lateral action situated to a determinate height, of different values in function of the use of the building. Any inner septum, was cual was the material or constructive system with which execute , has to be able to resist the mentioned lateral action and transmit it to the structure, without falling , without breaking and without fisurarse.

The appearances related with the requirements of stability and resistance analyse verifying the fulfillment of the corresponding 'states limit last' defined in the Basic Documents of 'Structural hygiene' and 'Structural hygiene: Factory', of the Technical Code of the Edificación. The appearances related with the fisuración study from the point of view of the prevention of risks, due to the fact that it does not exist a model established in the last Basic Document mentioned to verify the states limit of utilisation in the elements of factory.

The editor of the three previous publications has been Conception of the River Vega, doctor Architect and professor of the department of Structures of the School of architecture of the Polytechnical University of Madrid.

CMT+L Software of calculation of structures with walls of load of Termoarcilla and brick

CMT+L is a free software that allows to Calculate Walls of load of Termoarcilla and of Brick, offering technical solutions like the calculation of typologies, efforts by means of finite elements, and other a lot of, all this according to the requirements demanded by the CTE in his section DB--F.

This program has been developed by Arktec and can download in the webs of Arktec and of Hispalyt through the following link:

Free software of Arktec

Free software of Arktec.

CMT+L offers a free technical support by part of Arktec for the resolution of queries and tutorías on the structures through the ecouriers and of his Web.

The program CMT+L, is a version limited and reduced of Tricalc 7.5, that collects the CMT+L without limitations, through the Modules:

- Tricalc.10: resistant Walls of concrete, armed brick and without arming

- Tricalc.13: Walls of Termoarcilla

The program CMT+L is adapted to the specifications of the Technical Code of the Edificación CTE-DB--Factories, and has the following provision:

- Calculate different typologies of walls built with bricks and with blocks Termoarcilla: walls without arming or armed, with armour of tendel, and of lintels, from database of prefabricated or armed armours, and walls confined with beams and pillars of concrete.

- Is possible the application of loads directly on the wall (gravitational, wind, push of terrain and of water, etc), or of loads transmitted by the forged.

- Realizar the calculation of conjoint form with the other elements of the structure: bars of concrete, of steel, forged, walls and cimentaciones.

- Calculates the cimentación by zapata of this type of walls.

- Calculates the efforts by means of the method of the finite elements.

- Considers the eccentricities produced by the union walls-forged –deliveries and/or empotramientos-, and by the different thickness or growth of the walls in height.

- Includes the calculation of the armour of cargaderos; the comprobación in the support of the jambas, the definition of the type of concrete, of steel and options of armours for the calculation of the cargaderos, the definition of brush and recess, and peritaje considering the resultant effective section.

- Obtains the sketch in plant with the exact definition of the pieces of Termoarcilla to use in the hiladas pair and impar: automatic calculation of the despiece and of adjust them necessary; heaved despiezados of each wall.

- Includes a database of the commercial pieces of expandable manufacturers by the user: bricks, blocks, basic pieces, of corner, terminations, horizontal average, vertical average, zunchos of cargaderos and platelets; database of armours prefabricated of tendeles.

- Includes reports and listings of specific results of this typology of elements, that serve of justification of his calculations. Superficial measurement of the walls and manufacture of each wall with each one of the necessary pieces, grouped by types.

Inner of the web page of the free application of Arktec

Inner of the web page of the free application of Arktec.

Can access to the Video of the Day of Presentation of the CMT+L in the link:

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Hispalyt - Asociación Española de Fabricantes de Ladrillos y Tejas de Arcilla Cocida

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