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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at La implantación progresiva del Certificado de Eficiencia Energética de Edificios
From the 2007 the certificate is compulsory for the buildings of new construction, so much in phase of project as once finished

The progressive implantation of the Certificate of Energetic Efficiency of Buildings

Foundation The House that Saves22/01/2014

From the past 1 June 2013 the Certified of Energetic Efficiency of Buildings has gone implanting progressively by all the buildings, so much for the ones of ancient or new construction. Although it is not the only rule approved with implications for the Certificate of energetic Efficiency because in 2013 also approved the Law 8/2013, of 26 June, of Rehabilitation, Regeneration and Urban Renewal

Building under construction

Building under construction.

As it already is more than known, from the past 1 June 2013 all building or house that was available object or rent has to have a certificate of energetic efficiency that leave proof of his energetic behaviour to the future buyer or arrendatario.

Also is compulsory, was it from 2007, for the buildings of new construction, so much in phase of project as once finished. The Royal decree 235/2013 also specified the obligation to have the certificate of energetic efficiency to the buildings or parts of these in which a public authority occupies an useful surface upper total to 250 m2 and are frecuentados usually by the public.

Therefore, with the RD 235/2013 in the hand have three circumstances that force to have the certificate of energetic efficiency. But in the year 2013 has approved a new normative frame, in addition to the RD 235/2013, that will involve the progressive implantation of the certificate of energetic efficiency to every time a greater number of buildings.

On the one hand, the Royal decree 233/2013, of 5 April, by which regulates the State Plan of promotion of the rent of houses, the rehabilitation edificatoria, and the regeneration and urban renewal, 2013-2016. This plan of helps centres his attention on the residential buildings previous communities to the year 1981, will be able to subsidise until 35% of the cost subvencionable of the performances but besides has a specific line to boost the implantation of the Report of Evaluation of the Building (IEE), a tool that substitutes to the previous Technical Inspection of the Building (ITE) and that it has to contain if the building is susceptible to realizar adjust reasonable of accessibility, appearances detailed on the state of conservation and the Certificate of Energetic Efficiency. Those residential buildings of collective type that obtain it before 31 December 2016 will be able to benefit of the helps of this program and therefore will have to request, like part of the IEE, the certificate of energetic efficiency.

Scale of Energetic Qualification

Scale of Energetic Qualification.

But is not the only rule approved with implications for the Certificate of energetic Efficiency because in 2013 also approved the Law 8/2013, of 26 June, of Rehabilitation, Regeneration and Urban Renewal, that, in his transitory disposal first establishes a calendar for the progressive implantation of the Report of Evaluation of the Buildings indicating three suppositions:

1. The buildings of residential typology of collective house with an upper antiquity to 50 years, in the time limit of five years, to explain from the date in that they reach said antiquity, except that they already have a valid technical inspection, realizar of compliance with his applicable rule and prior to the entrance in force of this Law. In this last case, will demand the Report of Evaluation when it correspond his first review in accordance with that normative, whenever the same do not surpass the term of ten years, to explain from the entrance in force of this Law.

2. The buildings whose headlines pretend to receive to public helps with the aim to tackle works of conservation, universal accessibility or energetic efficiency, prior to the formalisation of the request of the corresponding help.

3. The rest of the buildings, when like this it determine it the autonomic or municipal rule, that will be able to establish specialitys of application of the quoted report, in function of his location, antiquity, typology or predominant use.

In consequence, in the following table summary all the suppositions under which will be compulsory to have the Certificate of energetic Efficiency.

Type of building or of house affected Normative that specifies it From when it applies
New construction RD 47/2007 derogated by RD 235/2013 May of 2007
Buildings of existent houses that are available object or rent RD 235/2013 1 June 2013
resident Buildings of previous collective type to 1981 that request helps to the program of support to the implantation of the IEE and have with him before 31 December 2016. RD 233/2013 11 April 2013
residential Buildings of collective type of more than 50 years of antiquity Law 8/2013 27 June 2018
Buildings that request public helps for works of conservation, accessibility or energetic efficiency Law 8/2013 27 June 2013
Rest of buildings Law 8/2013 if it determines it an autonomic or municipal rule --**


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