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Prizes in the category of ceramic faã§ades

Delivery of Prizes of the VIII Contest of the Ceramic Classroom Hispalyt

Editorial Interempresas28/10/2013

The act of delivery of prizes to the winners of the VIII Contest of the Ceramic Classroom Hispalyt in his category of ceramic faã§ades took place on 22 October to the 12:30 h. In the Room of Boards of the Etsam (UPM). The winners received his prizes of the hand of the director of the School of architecture, Luis Maldonado, José Ignacio Linazasoro and Enrique Sanz, like director and deputy director of the Ceramic Classroom Hispalyt, and by Fernando Palau and Elena Santiago, president of the Section of Expensive Brick Sight and general secretary of Hispalyt.

The Ceramic Classroom Hispalyt has celebrated the delivery of prizes to the winners of the VIII Contest of the Ceramic Classroom Hispalyt in his category of Ceramic Façades. The act took place on 22 October, to the 12:30 h. In the Room of Boards of the Upper Technical School of architecture of the Polytechnical University of Madrid (Etsam-UPM).

Act of delivery of Prizes VIII Ceramic Classroom Hispalyt

Act of delivery of Prizes VIII Ceramic Classroom Hispalyt.

The Contest Ceramic Classroom Hispalyt consisted in a contest of ideas for the design of a consistent project in the design of a space of meditation in the oriental cemetery of Malmö, Sweden. The Jury's decision and back opening of retort took place the past 26 June in the headquarters of the Office of the Ceramic Classroom Hispalyt in Madrid.

The winners received his prizes of hands of the director of the School of architecture, Luis Maldonado, of José Ignacio Linazasoro and Enrique Sanz like director and deputy director of the Ceramic Classroom Hispalyt, and of Fernando Palau and Elena Santiago, president of the Section of Expensive Brick Sight and general secretary of Hispalyt.

The Jury of the VIII Contest of the Ceramic Classroom Hispalyt was composed by José Ignacio Linazasoro, director of the Ceramic Classroom, the representatives of the Ceramic Classroom Julio Grijalba, José Antonio Martínez Lapeña, Manuel Portaceli, Juan Luis Trillo and Miguel Ángel Alonso; Enrique Sanz, publishing director of Conarquitectura Editions and deputy director of the Ceramic Classroom Hispalyt, and Fernando Palau, president of the Section of Expensive Brick Sight of Hispalyt.

The members of the Jury valued the 88 projects presented, and awarded the following prizes:

  • First Prize (4.000 € and supporting diploma): Lemma AA1128 Aida Navarro Redón and Alessandra Luisa Covini.
Of izda. To dcha: Aida Navarro, Luis Maldonado and Alessandra Luisa Covini

Of izda. To dcha: Aida Navarro, Luis Maldonado and Alessandra Luisa Covini.

  • Segundo Reward ex aequo (2.000 € and supporting diploma): Lemma If0007. Alejandro Cejudo Owners and Francisco Gómez Pérez.
Of izda. To dcha.: José Ignacio Linazasoro, winning Segundo Reward ex aequo and Enrique Sanz

Of izda. To dcha.: José Ignacio Linazasoro, winning Segundo Reward ex aequo and Enrique Sanz.

  • Segundo Reward ex aequo (2.000 € and supporting diploma): Lemma JB0000. Marcos Cut Lerín.
Of izda. To dcha.: Fernando Palau, Enrique Sanz and winning Segundo Reward ex aequo

Of izda. To dcha.: Fernando Palau, Enrique Sanz and winning Segundo Reward ex aequo.

  • Accésit (800 € and supporting diploma): Lemma SC0811. Carlos Rodríguez Palaces and Sergio Alarcón Robledo.
Of izda. To dcha.: Enrique Sanz, Elena Santiago and winning Accésit

Of izda. To dcha.: Enrique Sanz, Elena Santiago and winning Accésit.

  • Accésit (800 € and supporting diploma): Lemma 0002CC. Alejandro Frasquet Herraiz.

The Exhibition of the winning projects and selected, that was visited after the act of delivery of Prizes, was situated in the Hall of entrance of the Etsam – UPM from the 14 until 25 October. This Exhibition will move to the Upper Polytechnical School of the Saint University Pablo CEU (Urbanisation Montepríncipe s/n. 28668, Boadilla of the Mountain, Madrid), where will remain opened to the public of 28 October to 30 November 2013.

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