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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at ISO 21500 PM, un valor añadido para las empresas que gestionan y dirigen proyectos internacionales

ISO 21500 PM, a value added for the companies that manage and direct international projects

José María Núñez of Araque, professor of Management of Projects in Eadic

Already it fulfils almost a year of the apparition of the International Norm ISO 21500 PM (approved in September of 2012 in English and in January of 2013 in Spanish). His more important contribution is to have concentrated in less than 50 pages the principles and guidelines on the “best practices” in Management of Projects. In his manufacturing have taken into account accredited standard of international recognition like PMBoK, PRINCE2, ICB 3.0…, with the consensus of the associations that promote them (PMI, OGC, IPMA, …) and with the participation of a lot of professionals of the sector.
José María Núñez of Araque, professor of Management of Projects in Eadic
José María Núñez of Araque, professor of Management of Projects in Eadic.

His 39 managerial processes reduce to the definition and relation between processes of entrance and exit with his corresponding documentation, but do not develop the tools and applicable technicians to each process. The certification of his application will reduce to accredit that they have realizar the registers and/or documents of the entrances and exits of the 39 managerial processes defined in the chapter 4 of the Norm.

The ISO 21500 constitutes a norm on ‘good practise' in Management of Projects (management of agreements or commissions of products and/or only services), is not a regulation of forced fulfillment, and defines the principles and guidelines to improve the efficiency in the management of resources and therefore, the competitiveness. All the organisations and professionals that implant it, will share the same terminology and structure to the hour to manage projects to international level, instrumented with the classical ‘organisations' of Project Management of the Anglo-Saxon world, will delete risks of ineficiencias in the communications between the agents intervinientes and will facilitate the alliances between organisations and professional of different countries to tackle conjoint projects.

The most immediate consequence of the ISO 21500 PM is the opening of markets to a global behaviour, that is to say, so much professional like organisations that devote to manage and direct projects can handle the same concepts and structures in his contractual relations and work with customers, partners, providers and other. Of this form, the ISO 21500 PM becomes a strategic competition for the companies since it facilitates the expansion of the businesses by projects of international field.

Together with his implementation requires of the learning of professionals in this competition, what translates in a recognition and demand of the professional certifications of the type PMP or CAPM or similar. From now, when an organisation incorporates to his corporate procedures a System of Management of Projects ranged with the Norm 21500 is transmitting a value added place that manages with a standard recognised internationally, applying his corresponding Plan of Integral Management of the Project and guaranteeing that the professionals that direct it know it and apply. Like this it endows them of the best conditions to achieve an optimum development and an efficiency in the management of resources to reach the maximum efficiency in the clear-cut results in the object of agreement, in addition to in the aims of business.

Explain, so much with plans of management based in ISO 21500 PM as with professionals accredited serves to generate confidence in the customer on the final result of the project. In definite, the markets present buyers/potential customers that value the form in which his ‘sellers' go to manage the Project that wish to hire, interest by the Standard of Management of Projects that use and by the employment of professionals ‘recognised' in Management of Projects.

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