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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Aimplas participa en el proyecto Carbon Inspired 2.0 para rentabilizar la utilización de las nanopartículas en la industria

The project, financed with funds ERDF within the operating Interreg IVB Sudoe programme, part of a platform that involves more than 314 entities

Aimplas participates in the Carbon Inspired 2.0 project to make profitable use of nanoparticles in the industry

Drafting Interempresas24/07/2013
In 2011, was born CarbonInspired, a project that brings together five technology centres and universities pointers to transfer the results of their research with nanoparticles to the automobile and construction sectors worst affected by the crisis in southern Europe. The slogan was clear: 'nano' must get out of the laboratory and entering the industry to generate profits.

Making balance of the project after its completion last year, harvested results exceeded expectations by far: after establishing a network of 314 partners, contact more than 1,300 companies, develop three prototypes of industrial application and filing a patent, is no doubt the corporate interest that give rise to nanotechnology. Given the success achieved in the construction and automotive sectors, the Consortium raised to continue with its activities to other sectors and other types of nanoparticles. Thus was created a new project led by CTAG, CarbonInspired 2.0, which began last July 1 funded by ERDF within the operating Interreg IVB Sudoe programme.

The project collects so the fruits of its predecessor, to take them to all industrial sectors and involve all kinds of nanotechnology. It will expand the partnership network, prototypes to other sectors will develop and will intensify training to enterprises through the creation of an e-learning platform, allowing you to reach all the regions of Spain, Portugal and southern France.

To enjoy these benefits free companies may add to the network of partners through the website

Partners of CarbonInspired 2.0:

CTAG (Spain), Coordinator of the network


University of Aveiro (Portugal)

TEKNIKER Foundation (Spain)

ADERA (France)

Related Companies or Entities

AIMPLAS - Instituto Tecnológico del Plástico

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