Iverna 2000, S.L. - Ventilation and extraction systems for manholes and inspection conduits

Iverna 2000 BVGBox

Stations of work: ideal for uses of maintenance and setting

Picture of Stations of work
Iverna 2000 has developed a station of work that composes of isolated cabin and insonorizada of aspiration and impulsión. Of big can, 3.000 cubic metres hour, with regulator of speed, with a focus led of big power 20 W and base of plugs to join up scheme until 2.000 W.

The cabin of extraction equipment equipment comes instrumented with a flexible pipe car extinguible of 10 metres of length and half metre folded, that can mount so much in the impulsión as in the aspiration. Besides the own cabin has of his drawer to leave the tube and the abrazaderas but the tool that want the customer. The cabin goes instrumented with maneral and wheels anti prick and with supports antibibratorios to way of carretillo for his easy transport and manipulation, also has of a filter lavable in the aspiration to help to that the fan do not lose his efficiency. The focus led has of supports in the aspiration and impulsión to way to focus in any angle and in the zone wished.

The BVGBox can instrument with engine antideflagrante and fan anti sparks for works where exist explosive gases.

Of this way the operario can work very lit, with his machines of support enchufadas in the cabin and with a big renewal of air, by what or can bring cool air of the street in the zone where was working or help to aspire the own smoke of a welding or dust produced by a stone esmeril cutting any another material, or dust of work, and all this in the same station of work BVGBox laptop, by what the operario avoids numerous scheme peripheral.

The BVGBox is built for voltage of 220 volts monofásico to way that can install in any application and with only a consumption of 750 watts + 20 watts of the focus led by what the BVGBox is ideal for uses of maintenance and setting eat:

- Networks of saneamiento.

- Networks of telephony.

- Works of inspection and maintenance.

- Works of welding.

- Cleaning of deposits.

- Montadores Of structures.

- Yesaires And escayolistas.

- Electricistas.
