Iverna 2000, S.L. - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
Iverna 2000, S.L.
Pol. Malpica ,calle C/D, 18
50016 Zaragoza Spain

How to get there

☎:  +34‑976107977  
🖷:  +34‑976108290
w:  www.iverna2000.com
Manufacturer and distributor of pates, systems of ventilation, asideros, ladders of hygiene and other materials and equipment for construction

NOTE: Although reasonable efforts have been made to check the location of this company/organisation, we cannot guarantee it 100%

Iverna 2000, S.L.

Iverna 2000, S.L. Has a long path, with more than 20 years in the sector of the technical equipment and in solutions for the construction. Companies, leaders in the sector, to the cuales sells his products, are the best guarantee like guarantee of reliability and quality.
Like manufacturers of the original and registered Pate Sugar and having of more than 30 models of Pates, Iverna 2000, S.L. It characterises by his young and dynamic team and his eagerness for achieving the satisfaction of his customers.
Proof of this same is that in 2005 moved to some new installations where has of the best and more up to date technologies that allow him be leaders in the sector of the pâtés and at the same time has achieved an excellent platform for the development of new products as they are the Aluflex, the Alupates, the Pozovent, Motovent, the Cabin CVG Antichispa, etc.
Like form to guarantee our products has created a laboratory in the own installations where realizar the necessary essays so that all the products fulfil with the valid rules to national and international level.
At present and because of a constant demand of new products, Iverna 2000 S.L. It distributes products of companies of international prestige, with the aim to obtain the constant solution for all type of demands.
They remain invited to visit our web and for more information do not doubt in quality consultancy us personally, will be to your whole disposal.