Terraco - Mixing buckets

Terraco CM-500

Spoon hormigonera or mezcladora: it allows to give different applications to the mix

Picture of Spoon hormigonera or mezcladora
The spoon hormigonera CM-500 Terraco is designed and manufactured with the continuous experience purchased in the construction of all type of implementos, what allows to offer a product with high provision, resulted of a lot of studies, so much of bank of proofs like practices.

The spoon hormigonera, of use very spread, allows to give different applications to the mix, achieving different degrees of densities, being able to realizar with ease a dried but fast and therefore, employ less time in realizar a work.

It can install on any schemes that the user have like minicargadora, loaders shovel, mixed team, telescopic, etc., increasing like this the versatility of work of said machine.

It recommends that the spoons hormigoneras install through stick fast to facilitate the work of setting - desmontaje. When being mounted the spoon hormigonera on a mobile machine, will be able to displace the concrete, where require .

The time of mix is of 3 minutes, with what can obtain in brief the mix wished to the suitable density.

With the spoon hormigonera supply stick, flexible pipes of hydraulics connection, tube of inferior download (commanded to distance by electrovalves) and rejilla of frontal protection.