Terraco - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
Ctra. Cardedeu, km 4 (Apartado Correos 149 - 08400 Granollers)
08520 Les Franqueses del Vallès (Barcelona) Spain
☎:  +34‑938492988  
🖷:  +34‑938492988
w:  www.terraco.es
Manufacturer of implementos and accessories for mini loaders (SSL).

The vicinity of the company location is being shown.


Agricultural Vallesana, S.A., Designer and Manufacturer of the products “TERRACO”, devotes his main activity to the realisation of implementos for the sector of Public Works and especially for mini loaders.
From his foundation in 1950, suffers a transformation happening of his initial market, essentially agricultural, of where comes from his name, to the current objective sector that it is the one of the construction and Public Works.
With a bagaje that few companies can contribute, as it is the experience of so many years in the sector, Terraco has known to manage the evolution of his products of agreement to the needs of the market and of his customers, and has known to create a know-how own that constitutes his main fortress.
The introduction of new products of own manufacture has forced to develop new processes and to incorporate new technologies and machinery of last generation.
These two notable facts, design and own manufacture, have constituted the base of the strategies developed by the mark in the last decades, that has driven it to situate leader of the market very by in front of his competitors.
Supporting in the quality and reliability of his products, Terraco has addressed his potential of growth, in the last five years, in the penetration in the international markets. The development of the R&D as only alternative of future feasibility is giving today day his fruit. The most notable is the strong peak of the demand of products Terraco by part of the first sign manufacturers of machinery of Public Works and Construction so much in Europe as in Or.S.A. The presence of the products of this mark in the European market is today day a palpable reality.
The globalisation of the markets is offering some excellent opportunities of growth to those companies that, like Terraco, have a quality of his unquestionable products. Terraco Has known to take care his external image supporting in the participation in the main skilled fairs of the sector, so much Spanish (SMOPYC), as European (BAUMA, INTERMAT, etc.) and international (CONEXPO). In all they the implementos "Terraco" always have been recognised by his characteristics of novelty, quality, provision and reliability.
Our aim is the excellence and our maximum priority is the satisfaction of our customer. We develop a wide range of Industrial Machinery that has been designed to fulfil with the highest standards. The satisfaction of our customers speaks in our name.
This is our lemma.