Terraco - Backhoes for tractors

Terraco TR-280

Retroexcavadora For minicargadores: with a depth of 2,80 metres and 3,10 metres

Picture of Retroexcavadora For minicargadores
The department R&D of Terraco, following his politics to contribute to the market of machinery the products of last generation has designed a concept of retroexcavadora, to be installed in all the models and marks of minicargadores. This allows that the integration implement - machine produce of a more compensated way since the design curvado of the arm of the retroexcavadora, favours notably the approach of the load to the centre of gravity of the machine, what transmits in a greater and better stability of the conjoint machine - retroexcavadora, especially type of terrain by irregular that this was. Precisely this design curvado of the arm, allows that the arm of excavation, together with to spoon remain situated in his interior, contributing once the group folded a greater visibility to the driver.

The new design, facilitates that the scope of the excavation was greater, without having to effect so many travel of emplazamiento, having improved on the current models, already of recognised prestige, some improvements, mainly in the power of excavation, since the crowbars and design of the spoon have been deeply remodelled.

This design of retroexcavadora, this formed by two different models models TR-280 and TR-310, of 2,80 metres and 3,10 metres of depth of excavation, respectively.