Alteyco System, S.L.U. - Protection for machinery


Protective telescopic of steel: built with sheets of special steel and with big precision

Picture of Protective telescopic of steel
The protective telescopic of steel designed and manufactured by Alteyco are built with sheets of special steel and with big precision. The thickness of sheet is variable and determines according to the dimension of the protection.

The protective Alteyco guarantee, with his cleaners covered with a profile-support, the protection of the lip scraper, against shavings, metallic particles or no metallic, oil and liquid refrigerantes.

All the protective telescopic of steel are instrumented with cleansing lip. This material is resistant to the oil, liquid refrigerantes and temperatures until 100 °C.

In necessary case can build the first module with a sheet antideslizante. It is of big advantage for example in the machines tool of big dimensions.

The protective telescopic in steel of high weight, are provistos with devices of removable suspension.

The protective of steel Alteyco, are instrumented according to the dimensions of the protection with elements of resistant slide to the wear.

The protective telescopic Alteyco design in function of the needs of the customer.

Here they reflect some of the components used in function of parameters like type of guides, speed of trip, accelerations, size, forms, estanqueidad, etc.

The types of manufacture can be:


The telescopic of steel of normal type are built for a maximum speed of 20 m/Special

min. - Protective of High speed

For speeds from 20 m/min. until 120 m/min. design and manufacture with different special components. Acceleration: 10m/sg²

All the protective telescopic are testados in a bank of proofs.