Alteyco System, S.L.U. - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
Alteyco System, S.L.U.
Pol. Industrial de Itziar - N 2 A, Apartado 82
20820 Itziar - Deba (Gipuzkoa) Spain

How to get there

☎:  +34‑943606489  
🖷:  +34‑943199235

NOTE: Although reasonable efforts have been made to check the location of this company/organisation, we cannot guarantee it 100%

Alteyco System, S.L.U.

Alteyco Is the result of the alliance of different skilled companies in the manufacture of integral installations for the transport, leak, treatment and classification of solid waste,industrial or urban. Also they centre his activity in the streamlining and protection of the machinery and the industrial installations and his surroundings.

- Leak.

- Carriers of materials.

- Protective telescopic.

- Streamlinings and industrial soundproofing.

- Bellows, blinds, enrolladores, spirals, limpiaguías.

Commercial team:

A commercial department integrated to offer an optimum answer to the needs of any project.

This prespectiva of group allows to offer the best solutions, coordinating and
deriving to each one of the companies, the production of those more adapted elements to his speciality.

In this way, the customer receives a unitary answer, with an alone speaker, a service key in hand and with the guarantee that endorses the experience of the entities of the group.

Technical team:

The technological backrest between the companies that conform the Alliance, does that the answer to the technical requests of the market, was the most adapted to each need.

Endorsed by an experience of more than thirty years in this industrial state, has a team of professionals highly qualified, able to develop solutions and offer, by means of some means of production of last generation, the best option to the most demanding project.