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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at La importancia de la toxicovigilancia en el sector químico
In 2012 they produced 97.387 queries by intoxication

The importance of the toxicovigilancia in the chemical sector

Editorial Interempresas31/10/2013
In Spain produce 97.387 queries by intoxications to the year, what equivale to 267 daily calls. This figure was contributed the past 30 October by Rosa Martínez, facultativa of the Service of Information Toxicológica (SIT) during the report ‘Index cards of Information toxicológica and his communication to the National Institute of Toxicology and Forensic Sciences (Intcf)'.

The briefing organised by Quimacova, the Chemical and Environingingmental Association of the Chemical Sector of the Comunitat Valencian, with reason of the commemoration of his tenth anniversary and in collaboration with the Intcf has approached to his companies associated the novelties of the new program of information toxicológica and his correct communication set up by the SIT in May. The companies that commercialise chemical products or cater of chemical matters in Spain have to use this new channel of communication to do arrive the index cards with the information toxicológica of the same. For this the facultativa Rosa Martínez has explained in detail the technical operation of the program to the companies associated answering to the diverse questions of the numerous assistants.

During the report, Martínez has commented that with the impulse of this new program “pretends speed up the processing of the information toxicológica, diminish the bureaucracy and improve the communication between the company and the key administration to establish the suitable treatments and can give the necessary sanitary ware answer when it contact with the SIT”. Miguel Burdeos, president of Quimacova, signals that “it is fundamental for the Valencian chemical sector have of this information of the hand of an expert like Rosa Martínez what supposes a value added for our associated”.

A moment of the day organised by Quimacova on the communication of the Toxicology to the Intcf
A moment of the day organised by Quimacova on the communication of the Toxicology to the Intcf.

70% of the intoxications are accidental

According to data of the SIT, 70% of the queries toxicológicas that realizar correspond to accidental causes being the wrong or excessive consumption of medicines the main cause of query with 53%, followed of 18,5% by intoxications with cleaning products (clean floors, detergents, dishwasher…). The queries by intoxications by industrial products situate in 4,1%. “In 2012, this service attended 97.387 queries toxicológicas, that is to say, 267 calls to the day, is by this reason that is necessary to have fast access to the specific information of the composition of the products that commercialise with the aim to give solution to the queries by intoxications”, adds Martínez.

The National Institute of Toxicology and Forensic Sciences is the technical organ ascribed to the Ministry of Justice, whose mission is auxiliary to the Administration of Justice and contribute to the unit of scientific criterion and to the quality of the analytical expertise, as well as to the development of the forensic sciences.

The Chemical and Environingingmental Association of the Chemical sector of the Valencian Community (Quimacova), represents in this community all the activities of the chemical industry. The association groups 116 Valencian companies of the sector. Some companies that suppose around 60% of the turnover of the sector and explain in global with more than 3.500 workers.

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Asociación Química y Medioambiental del Sector Químico de la Comunidad Valenciana

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