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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Quimacova edita una guía para agilizar las deducciones fiscales por inversiones medioambientales

Quimacova Edits a guide to speed up the fiscal deductions by environingingmental investments


15 January 2013

The Chemical and Environingingmental Association of the Chemical Sector of the Valencian Community (Quimacova) has elaborated a wide guide to help to the companies to manage the application of fiscal deductions by investments in environingingmental matter.

The guide wants to be an useful tool that accompany to the companies and to his different departments in the arduous task to document all the investments in matter of environingingment that realise the companies and that they are susceptible to obtain a fiscal deduction.

Like this, the document clarifica the steps that have to follow the companies to present all the documentation required. From the identification of the investment, and the obtaining of the certificate of validation of the investment, that results fundamental, until a listing of the rule of application for the fiscal deductions by environingingmental investment.

According to Jesús Cartwright, manager of Quimacova, “the aim is to show to the companies the process to increase his competitiveness and solvencia economic, by means of the obtaining of pertinent public incentives of desgravaciones fiscal by the investment in systems of environingingmental protection”.

To elaborate this guide, the entity has prepared an initial survey that has revealed that more than the 70 % of the companies of the sector in the Comunitat Valencian has realised investments for the protection of the environingingment. Said investments oscillate between the 100.000 and the 2 million euros.

Besides, this survey has showed that the greater part of the investments has allocated to the minimisation of the production of waste in origin and to the reduction of treatments of waste water during the productive processes.

Agreement with the Ministry of Environingingment

Beside the edition of the guide, Quimacova has foreseen to sign an agreement of collaboration with the Ministry of Environingingment, with the end to establish a direct communication that help to the companies to know the lines that can obtain some type of subsidy or deduction. The agreement is a tool to speed up the formalities thanks to a greater knowledge by both parts of all the criteria and necessary requests. This agreement vertebrará in such a way that the companies will find always helps to know the documentation required and especially to harmonise the criteria in diverse environingingmental performances, in addition to the fiscal deductions.

For Miguel Burdeos, president of Quimacova, “the guide, validated by the own Ministry of Environingingment, and the agreement will be tools very useful for the companies of the sector, since it did not exist this specific process in our Community”. Besides it adds, “taking into account that our sector is one of the most legislated in environingingmental material, results fundamental that the companies know the helps, subsidies and deductions that can obtain when adapting his processes and industries to this rule, each more demanding day”. Besides Burdeos has showed very satisfied because “the previous survey to the manufacturing of the guide has showed how more than the 70 % of the companies has realised investments to minimise his environingingmental impact, by what shows his commitment with the society and the environingingment”.

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