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Este artículo fue escrito originalmente en Spanish. Se ha traducido automáticamente para su comodidad. Se han hecho esfuerzos razonables para proporcionar una traducción precisa; sin embargo, ninguna traducción automática es perfecta, ni es su intención la de sustituir a un traductor humano. El artículo original en Spanish puede verlo en Case IH, tecnología Efficient Power en la 52ª Edición de Fercam

Marry IH, technology Efficient Power in the 52ª Edition of Fercam


30 August 2012

Marry IH was present in the 52ª edition of the Regional Fair of Samples and of the Field of Castilla the Stain (Fercam), that celebrated between the days 18 and 21 July in Manzanares (Ciudad Real), with a stand of more than 300 m2. His authorised car dealer Agroni, familiar company that has more than 40 years of experience and with the clear vocation to offer the best service, transmit confidence and solutions to the most demanding customers, exposed the last novelties of the mark. His manager, Antonio Grandson, believes firmly in the fair and thinks “that the effort that comports are worthwhile because Fercam allows to close commercial operations more than interesting”.

Gabriel Grandson, his commercial director, showed all the novelties Efficient Power of Marry IH to the professionals of the sector that, expectantes, observed carefully all the advantages of the technology: greater productivity and lower consumption. It stood out the model Farmall To by his versatilidad, simplicity and his cabin; the Cougar CVX 185, Cougar 160, Maxxum 110, Maxxum 115 Multicontroller and Magnum EP by his saving of fuel, that favour the economy of the agriculturalist and favour his profitability.

The agriculture of precision AFS with systems of guided EZ-Pilot caused feeling thanks to the presentations to charge of Carlos Grandson, with which the agriculturalists could check how the systems advanced of precision help them to economizar his exploitations and to obtain the greater profit. It allows to work of way more efficient thanks to the saving in fertilizantes, seeds, phytosanitary ware treatments and fuel.

Francisco Blázquez, commercial delegate of the zone, supported personally to the team of Agroni of the that affirmed that it is “one of the examples of authorised car dealer Marry IH by his specialisation and knowledge of the needs of the professional customer”.

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