The Association of Producers of Onion of Castile-La Mancha (Procecam) signs an agreement of collaboration with the company of software Isagri
The producers of onion bet for improving the productive processes and the optimisation of resources
Editorial Interempresas15/12/2011
15 December 2011
Given the difficult situation by which is crossing the sector of the onion, with some prices that find very underneath of the costs of production, the producers of onion of Castile-La Mancha bet by the innovation and improvement in the productive processes and an optimisation of the resources, like road of solution to this stage.
The Association of Producers of Onion of Castile-La Mancha, Procecam, has signed an agreement of collaboration with the company of business software Isagri, for the implantation of his systems of follow-up and analysis of the costs of production in the crop of the onion, as well as his system of trazabilidad and of energetic optimisation. All this with the clear aim to put to disposal of the producers of onion, the necessary tools for the establishment of a border of clear profitability of the crop, that allow them know at all times the evolution of the costs, and can like this optimise the available resources.
System of follow-up and analysis of the costs of production in the crop of the onion of Isagri.
With some costs of production that surpass the 0,10 euros/kg in this campaign, the current price received, near to the 0,07 euros/kg, shows clearly insufficient to achieve a profitability to the crop. The constant increase in the energetic costs and complementos phytosanitary ware, does very necessary an optimisation of his applications and his use, with what the contribution of the innovative tools that Isagri contributes, company that offers computer solutions for the agriculture with the end to help in the control of the exploitations to technical level, official with Globalgap or fascicle of field, and economic with the systems of control of costs or implantation of the GPS, is fundamental to reach the profitability of the crop.
The onion is one of the vegetables indispensable in the Mediterranean diet, contributing big quantity of nutrients to our organism and being mainly beneficial in this period of the year, where is usual that produce processes gripales or catarrales. His high content in vitamins To and C, turns it into a natural medicine against the afecciones of the respiratory device. Spain is at present the producing second European of onion with almost 1,5 million tonnes of production, situating just by behind Holland. The Spanish onion has a big demand in the countries with greater exigencias of quality as they are Germany and United Kingdom.
In this campaign, because of the excellent meteorological conditions, the quality of the onion is particularly exceptional, and with a so low price and some so high qualities, turn it into a product crashes in the market basket.
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