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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at El fomento de la investigación guía los últimos acuerdos del sector cerealista
The Ministry of environment and Rural and Marine Affairs recently welcomed the signing of the new sectoral Convention, which provides compensation for re-employment of certified cereal

The promotion of research guide recent agreements in the cereal sector

David Muñoz23/09/2011

September 23, 2011

From the start of the called ‘Green Revolution', to finals of the years 50, the agricultural production has more than triplicado in some zones of the planet like Europe or North America. Between the factors that have made possible this spectacular increase, the application of the genetics has been, definitely, the one who more has influenced, very above the mechanisation/mechanization or the incorporation of the fertilizantes. In front of the new challenges that presents the future, the R&D follows positing like a key element to be able to satisfy the growth of the demand, face the climatic change and paliar the shortage of arable floor. The two last agreements of the sector cerealista look for to boost precisely this work researcher facilitating the management of the reward by the reempleo of cereal certified and watching so that they do not commit abuses in the designated ‘privilege of the agriculturalist'.
From left to right...
From left to right: Francisco Álvarez (Accoe), Justo Gutierrez (Aprose), Joan Guillaumet (Acml), Alicia Crespo (Marm), Antonio Villarroel (Anove), Jesus Zalba (cooperatives.), Carlos Alvarez (Geslive) and Eduardo Beltran (Semican).

“The genetics has contributed big profits to the sector. For example, in the case of a strategic product as it is the wheat, thanks to his employment, come increasing in Europe the performances of linear form to an average of almost 100 kg by hectare and year”, signalled to way of introduction Antonio Villarroel, General secretary of Anove, the National Association of Obtentores Vegetal.

Although it has remained more than showed the importance of the application of the R&D in the agriculture, the true is that the skilled companies in these activities of investigation do not go through his best moment, had to fundamentally to the difficulties that find to attain a financial return that allow to sustain his programs. The low tax of utilisation/utilization of the seed certified, the vehicle by which the genetics arrives to the agriculturalist, and the existence from 1961 of the figure of the ‘privilege of the agriculturalist', by which authorises/authorizes to this to reemplear in his own exploitation grains obtained of a previous harvest, are two of the factors that more have influenced in this situation.

“The figure of the privilege of the agriculturalist has had a special incidence in Spain where this exception has comported that only it declare like seed certified in the sector of the cereal between 15% and 20% of all grains employed. What does not want to say that in the rest do not use the genetics, with new varieties, but with this 85-80% does not obtain a financial return since it does not exist an effective control of his employment”, added Villarroel.

To correct this situation from the sector of the cereal is working fundamentally in two roads. By a part has looked for simplify the rule of certification of the seed of cereals (category R2), in the breast of a wide sectorial group led by the Spanish Office of Vegetal Varieties and in which they have participated the autonomous communities and different representatives sectorial. And in second term, is the signature of the agreements on conditioning of grain, with which, amongst other objective, tries facilitate the management of the reward by the reempleo of cereal certified.

Alicia Crespo, director of the Spanish Office of Vegetal Varieties (Marm)
Alicia Crespo, director of the Spanish Office of Vegetal Varieties (Marm).

Signing of the Convention

The staging of the signing of this latter Convention took place on 21 September at the Ministry of environment and Rural and marine environment, in a ceremony presided by Alicia Crespo, Director of the Spanish Office of plant varieties (Marm), and the presence of the representatives of the associations Accoe (Association of trade in cereals and oleaginous Spain)Aprose (Professional Association of companies producers of selected seeds), Acml (Asociació Catalana of Multiplicadors of then), Semican (Andalusia seed producers association), Geslive (management of licenses vegetables) and Anove (National Association of plant breeders). It was a Convention similar to the one signed previously with cooperative Agro-Alimentarias.

In the words of the Director, these two agreements signify a very important step for the cereal in Spain sector that they are intended, both comply with the regulations in force, as a bet determined by research in this sector. "These agreements establish a stable framework that should encourage reinvestment of this contribution for the re-employment of the seed of protected varieties, for research programmes designed in collaboration with the cereal sector," said Alicia Crespo.

This support takes shape through the funds covering both conventions to promote research into new varieties adapted to the agroclimatic conditions and the promotion of the use of certified seed. The conventions lays down that these funds will be formed with a share of the compensation obtained by the re-employment of grain.

All speakers agreed on the need to promote research to increase agricultural production, traceability, quality assurance and food safety that each day the customers demand. Also supported the need that the regulations relating to the breeder's right is fulfilled i.e. receive fair remuneration when farmers reuse grains from their harvest for seeding if you are using protected varieties, privilege conferred on it by law. They contributed to the need for a standardization of the sector for the development of genetic improvement in our country programmes, to develop varieties better adapted to our terms and conditions.

Also all agreed that this is the first step, and that it is necessary to continue with the joint efforts of the sector to improve cereal production. The various funds provided for in the conventions help boost local research, develop work of dissemination and information among farmers, and encourage the use of seed certified in Spain.

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