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Este artículo fue escrito originalmente en Spanish. Se ha traducido automáticamente para su comodidad. Se han hecho esfuerzos razonables para proporcionar una traducción precisa; sin embargo, ninguna traducción automática es perfecta, ni es su intención la de sustituir a un traductor humano. El artículo original en Spanish puede verlo en Durán Maquinaria Agrícola y New Holland se unen en el mercado de picadoras de forraje

Durán agricultural machinery and New Holland come together in the market of feed grinders


May 17, 2011

One of the most difficult and specialized agricultural machinery world markets is the sale of self-propelled forage grinders. The characteristics of these machines, with high technology and a high cost, we need to have very professional clients, almost always utilities, who know how to use and take advantage of the maximum to these teams and who demand the highest standards of quality, efficiency and service.

Taking into account the necessary expertise to undertake the sale of self-propelled forage grinders, it was matter of time before the roads of Agricultural machinery Durán and new holland crossing at some point. Duran is one of the first companies in the sale of equipment for fodder, covering the full range of machinery necessary for self-propelled professionals in this segment, except for the stinging of forage. New Holland has the range of forage FR9000 mincers, manufactured at its facilities in Zedelgem, the renowned 'Centre of excellence New Holland of harvesting machinery', but it cost take that last step to enter the circle of trust of the gatherers of fodder, something that does have always in the market of tractors, harvesters, vendimiadoras, packing, etc. The piece to complete the puzzle of success was this Union, which is limited to the segment of forages at the national level and always agree and in collaboration with dealers from New Holland to characteristics can give a service suitable for this kind of machines and customers.

Durán agricultural machinery will distribute exclusively the stinging of forage New Holland in Spain
Durán agricultural machinery will distribute exclusively the stinging of forage New Holland in Spain.

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Durán Maquinaria Agrícola, S.L.

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