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Este artículo fue escrito originalmente en Spanish. Se ha traducido automáticamente para su comodidad. Se han hecho esfuerzos razonables para proporcionar una traducción precisa; sin embargo, ninguna traducción automática es perfecta, ni es su intención la de sustituir a un traductor humano. El artículo original en Spanish puede verlo en ‘Agricultura de precisión’, de la mano de Isagri, en Fima 2010
The firm showed its new system guided by GPS Isaguide, which is saved in inputs and pesticides

'Precision agriculture', in the hands of Isagri, Fima 2010

Drafting Interempresas02/03/2010

March 2, 2010

With more than 25 years of history in the agricultural and livestock sector, Isagri calls for profitability and precision in the field. As demonstrated in the latest edition of Fima, where he presented his new version of the system of guided by GPS Isaguide. A useful for producer apero whatever the weather conditions that may occur.
Guided by GPS Isaguide system to work in the field in days of fog, rain or also at night. Photo: Helen Humphrey
Guided by GPS Isaguide system to work in the field in days of fog, rain or also at night. Photo: Helen Humphrey.

It snows, it rains or is made at night. Work in harsh climatic conditions and even at night, can gain in efficiency and accuracy. Testimonials as the of Fernando Allué, farmer at Lierta (Huesca) corroborate the savings in inputs and pesticides that obtained through the installation of the new system guided by GPS Isaguide, of Isagri. Without a doubt, the latest addition to the present also at Fima 2010 company, CITES inescapable sector. "Ahorré 2,500 euros installment on a plot of 40 hectares, over the previous year in which worked without GPS and, sometimes, with fog", says Fernando Allué. "In my case, it has another advantage." As I have plots far from my farm "-continues - when I'm back sulfatando or paying, I can finish the work at night without having to return another day."

Isagri and its contribution to precision agriculture

With a range of more than 15 programs, Isagri chose Fima contest to present the new version of this program's guidance that the farmer works more comfortably. Isaguide represents the most recent contribution to precision agriculture that facilitates the introduction of new technologies focused on the improvement of production and environmental care. During the last decade, and due to the use of geospatial technologies and the information, many farms are managed 'accurately', which optimizes the use of inputs such as fertilizers, plant protection, seeds, and so on. I.e. machines guided by sátelites that are solved many of the problems of the agricultural sector. One of its first effects is the significant savings of inputs, due to the reduction of the overlap between past. Something that happens with the installation of the system Isaguide, whose acquisition is easy to amortize due, firstly, to use less fertilizers and plant protection and, secondly, to the precision with which works, avoiding the overlap between past products.

The Isaguide system is easy to amortize due, firstly, to use less fertilizers and plant protection and, secondly, to the precision with which it works, avoiding the overlap between past products
The Isaguide of Isagri system, has a screen of guided practice and complete
The Isaguide of Isagri system, has a screen of guided practice and complete.

The screen is a PDA from high resolution which is placed in front of the steering wheel and whose consultation can be simply by lifting the view. It is a system easy to use for any user, whatever their computer level. In addition to lower expenditure on inputs and plant protection, this system allows the farmer to work in adverse weather conditions, for example with fog or at night. Isagri specialises in the development of technology for the field. Thus, research in the search for tools better adapted to the needs of agricultural or farming companies. Every day, more than 800 people in Europe work under this premise.

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Isagri, S.L.

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