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Signature includes the range benefits like conduction Agrosky RTK system, used so far in their tractors

Deutz-Fahr renews his series 56 of harvesters and launches a new model

Drafting Interempresas12/06/2008

June 12, 2008

deutz-fahr presents the harvesters of the series 56 enriched with more details. The new model at the Summit of the range is 5695 HTS, a machine capable of providing a power of (Com III) 366 HP (269 kW) engine and a maximum width of 7.20 meters cutting groups.

Five new models (5650, 5660 5665, 5690 and 5695) have a variable of the cylinder of threshing with electric Regulation (420 to 1.205 rpm) and a synchronized whisk. In addition, the winch of the cutting table is synchronized and adapts automatically to the walking speed. The models of five sacudidores 5650, 5660 5665 now also can be ordered with the new 620 R34 and 620 R30 tyres. For the use of the latter (without cutting group), in the models of five napkins external width cannot be less than 3 meters.

Two lines of equipment

For the first time, 5650 and 5690 models can be supplied with two lines of equipment: Farmline and Topline. The first is the basic version, whose power of harvested no has "nothing to envy" to version Topline, richest (5665 and 5695 models series). The only thing that does not include are some automatic functions. The Topline version is mainly directed to the companies of services, which according to different employment situations, and using the automatic functions, they can work even with greater speed, comfort and efficiency.

Once programmed the breadth of work of the combine harvester, the conduction Agrosky RTK system automatically calculates all the past, ensuring "a safe harvest, without loss of time or travel in vacuum"
Model 5695 HTS Harvester
Model 5695 HTS Harvester.

Another novelty is the "substantial increase in productivity" with less effort from the operator. Conduction Agrosky RTK system, already known for tractors, is now also available for harvesters of the 56 series. With an accuracy of +/-2 cm on all movements of the combine harvester, the effort of the driver is significantly reduced. Once programmed the breadth of work of the combine harvester, the system automatically calculates all the past, ensuring "a safe harvest, without loss of time or travel in vacuum". Antenna with two receivers placed on the roof can be removed without problems and apply different harvesters and tractors.

New groups of court

Subsequent improvements have brought groups of court and to the food channel, to improve the productivity even under difficult harvest conditions. Groups of court Vario with 5.50 to 7.20 m working widths are also new. The length of the plane with continuous hydraulic regulation between 575 and 1,075 mm by means of pushbutton ensures a speed appropriate to each condition of employment and type of collection.

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Deutz-Fahr - (Same Deutz-Fahr Ibérica, S.A.)

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